Meaning: Of beauteous form
Meaning: Hope, Expectation, Wish, Desire, Trust, Greed, Khwahish
Meaning: The noble king, The
Meaning: Of exalted glory and praises, Of exalteD
Meaning: The exalted warrior, The exalteD
Meaning: Diligence, diligence
Meaning: Exalted Love, Love of the divine, ExalteD
Meaning: Exalted way of life, Exalted way oflife
Meaning: Victory for proximity, Of exalted victory, Winning, To acquire by victory, Victory
Meaning: The exalted, Divine light, Flame of the best, The exalteD,
Meaning: Famous, Renowned person, Bright
Meaning: The exalted bravery and courage, The exalteD bravery anD
Meaning: Immersed in the Love of divine, ImmerseD in the