Meaning: The glory of the brave one, Brave and splendour, The
Meaning: One who was desired for a long time
Meaning: Royal thorn, Master of empire, Throne of the ruler of the kingdom, Royalthorn
Meaning: Pleasant, The Moon
Meaning: Bright, Heroic sword, Brave warrior with a sword
Meaning: Bright, Heroic sword, A bright Boy
Meaning: One who takes support of the lords name, One who takes support of the Lord's name
Meaning: Enlightened, Rays of light, Enlightening, Illuminating, Rays of Light, Noor, Roshni Karna,
Meaning: Protector of warmth, Protectorof warmth
Meaning: The wielder of the sword, He who wields the sword
Meaning: Heroic fighter, A brave warrior
Meaning: A holy place for followers of Hindu religion
Meaning: Tan - body & Deep - lamp light). body with light, A body of light, Tan - boDy & Deep
Meaning: Glory of Love, Glory
Meaning: Of great fortune, Destiny, Fortune, Luck, The destiny, destined to happen, Ofgreatfortune
Meaning: One who is absorbed in the ultimate truth, One absorbeD in the ultimate