Meaning: A golden coloured flowering plant, Flower of gold
Meaning: Harmony and peace in the universe, Courtesy, order
Meaning: A young, unmarried woman, a Maiden, Maiden
Meaning: She is innocen and a virgin, Pure. Clear
Meaning: An escapade, a lark, Lark
Meaning: A blissful person, Given grace
Meaning: Mayhem, state of confusion, Space
Meaning: To be the most beautiful, Loveliness
Meaning: She is little and very dear, Chaste, pure
Meaning: A Christian, Ice looking
Meaning: A fair and pure woman, Chaste, pure
Meaning: A green shoot, a sign of growing or developing, Little green sprout
Meaning: Greenish blue in color, A greenish blue color
Meaning: She is a very pure lady, Pure. Clear
Meaning: In Greek, it means Mother of Atlanta, and the Latin meaning is Amazon, Mother of Atalanta
Meaning: A woman of great purity, Chaste, pure
Meaning: A woman who covers and conceals, The mythological nymph who beguiled Odysseus for seven years. A West Indies style of singing. daughter of Atlas
Meaning: Semi-precious sea growth often Deep pink, Red, A beautiful plant growing in the sea, that is used to make ornaments and jewellery, Coral
Meaning: A beautiful song, Filled with delight
Meaning: Crystal; a transparent clear solid, Crystal, a transparent clear solid, Ice looking
Meaning: Genuine person, Chaste, pure
Meaning: Short from of Cleopatra, which means glory and fame, Father's glory
Meaning: A very, very dear woman, Gracious, kind
Meaning: The one who is most beautiful, Woman of most beauty
Meaning: Beautiful Moon Goddess, Born on Cynthus
Meaning: A jewel that is made from coral plants, obtained from oceans, Coral
Meaning: Father's glory or fame, recognition of Father, Antony anD Cleopatra'. Queen of Egypt anD Mark Antony's lover
Meaning: One who is the most beautiful among all women, meaning from the forest
Meaning: A maiden, a young, beautiful woman, Maiden
Meaning: Pure, Chaste, pure
Meaning: A loved girl, Gracious, kind
Meaning: An excelling and shining woman, Shine upon mankind
Meaning: The one that is pure and innocente, Chaste, pure
Meaning: Shepherdess, Goddess, Woman prophet
Meaning: One who is like a beautiful flower, Lovely blossom
Meaning: Mythical Goddess, Mythological nature goddess worshiped as the Great Mother in Asia Minor. The mother of all gods and men and wild nature. Often kept company by lions. Identified with Rhea by the Greeks; with Maia and Ceres by the Romans
Meaning: Fresh blooming, ripe green shoot, Little green sprout
Meaning: Hungarian word for Cynthia, the goddess of moon, Born on Cynthus
Meaning: She is the most beautiful one, Mother of Arcas
Meaning: A rare and graceful person, Gracious, kind
Meaning: One that is pure, Chaste, pure
Meaning: Attractive, personal flower, Gracious, kind
Meaning: A vain young woman, Shine upon mankind
Meaning: To have the beauty of the flower, Pretty flower