Meaning: A woman who lives and breathes, Living one.. Famous bearer: the Biblical Eve, ADam's wife anD the first woman
Meaning: Spanish word for hope., Hopeful
Meaning: She is breathing and living, Living one.. Famous bearer: the Biblical Eve, ADam's wife anD the first woman
Meaning: illuminating bright sparkling stars in the sky., Like a star
Meaning: literally meaning someone who is striving or eager to excel when faced in difficult situations against a rival., Competitor, rival
Meaning: this name means to rival or emulate or excel., Competitor, rival
Meaning: it means scent or odour., Scent
Meaning: this name has the meaning of a leader who emulates success., Variant of Emily meaning hard working and in competition to equal or excel against
Meaning: One who is filled with rivalry, Rival, challenger
Meaning: Name of a place, Island of Elba
Meaning: the meaning is dawn., Goddess of dawn
Meaning: a Spanish word for stars in the sky., Like a star
Meaning: someone who is serious and determined., Serious; determined. Feminine of Emest
Meaning: They are the daughters of the Sun, daughter of the sun
Meaning: The lucky daughter of Sun, daughter of the sun
Meaning: a feminized word meaning star., Like a star
Meaning: Beautiful lady, a feminized form of erin, meaning peace and a poetic way of referring to Ireland.
Meaning: Educated and noble person, attentive, Eagle
Meaning: Fantastic daughter of the Sun, daughter of the sun
Meaning: Eager, a name that often signifies a hardwroking, dilligent and an industrious person., Competitor, rival
Meaning: A peace loving person, daughter of Posseidan, daughter of Poseidon
Meaning: somebody who is fertile or frutiful or productive., Productive. Feminine of Eustace
Meaning: a Persian name meaning star., Harriette, or Henrietta, sometimes used as an independent name