Meaning: a peaceful home or an industrious person., Hardworking., from an Old German variant of Emmeline
Meaning: a word which means a star or bride or myrtle., Harriette, or Henrietta, sometimes used as an independent name
Meaning: They are Eliss's son; strong and mighty, They are Eliss's son, strong and mighty, From the Hebrew Elisheba, meaning either oath of God, or God is satisfaction
Meaning: Strong as an Elf, Good counselor
Meaning: qualities like delicate, soft and friendly., Afeminine name beginning with Em
Meaning: Another form of Louise, healthy and wide individual, See also Heloise
Meaning: a feminized name which means life or to live., Form of Evelyn: Life
Meaning: a tremendously indutrious or hardworking person., Industrious; striving
Meaning: a feminized form of the name Erick meaning ruler of people., Ever kingly. Feminine of Eric
Meaning: God providing satisfaction and support, Consecrated to God. The usual spelling of Elizaheth in Continental Europe
Meaning: somebody who belongs to Ireland., From Ireland
Meaning: a feminized word which means somebody who is serious and determined., Serious; determined. Feminine of Emest
Meaning: a feminized word which signifies life or to live., Form of Evelyn: Life
Meaning: someone who is extremely laborious, hard working and striving., Industrious; striving
Meaning: A girl who lives and breathes, Living one. The Latin form of the Hebrew Eve
Meaning: to breathe or to live., Old German name Avelina
Meaning: someone who is passionate and graceful., Ardent, graceful.Little fire, from Irish Gaelic. Also feminine form of Aidan: fire
Meaning: it is a name which denotes life., Form of Evelyn: Life
Meaning: a French word meaning sweet spoken., Sweetly speaking, sweet-spoken
Meaning: this name means my god is my oath., From the blessed isles
Meaning: novility or high born individual., A feminine form of the Greek Eugene. Famous bearer: Napoleon III's wife, the French empress Eugenie
Meaning: it means someone who is striving and industrious and excellent., Industrious; striving
Meaning: The ray of light entering heart, Mother of Lancelot
Meaning: One who is filled with light and is bright, Light
Meaning: Bright light, thoughtful person, Light
Meaning: a good gospel., Good news. The Latinized form of Evangeline
Meaning: an elfin or a noble woman., Shield. From the German name Herlinde
Meaning: this name means someone who is pledged to god., From the blessed isles
Meaning: good speaking or wealthy or gem of the sea or sacred red, Sweet-spoken
Meaning: A rare and wonderful gift, Happy warfare
Meaning: The gifts or possessions won after the war, Spoils of war
Meaning: One who is born to spread light, Light
Meaning: a striving or industrious person is described using this name., Industrious; striving
Meaning: A glorious and intelligent person, Noble or glorious
Meaning: One who is filled with light and bright, Light
Meaning: Shining bright light coming from above, Shining light
Meaning: It is feminine form of Earl meaning Noble Women., Noble woman. Feminine of Earl
Meaning: It means strong ., Flowing tide
Meaning: One who is filled with sense and sensibility, King John' Queen Elinor, wiDow of King Henry II anD mother to King John
Meaning: The bright and shining light, Light
Meaning: somebody who is very sweet spoken or is like a gem of the sea., Sweet-spoken
Meaning: God provides everyone with plenty, bountiful god, Hebrew name Elizabeth. My God is bountiful;God of plenty
Meaning: One who has aged gracefully like a beautiful fairy, Old age
Meaning: a name which means to live., Form of Evelyn: Life
Meaning: One who belongs to the God, Old Welshman
Meaning: a poetic form of referring to Ireland., Ireland