Meaning: this name means someone who is blond or fair., Blond
Meaning: a Spanish word which means someone who is crowned in victory., Man with crown
Meaning: a saint who got martyred., Good talker
Meaning: someone who tries to emulate or a rival., Rival, challenger
Meaning: ruler of an estate., Ruler of the house
Meaning: a Spanish masculinated word meaning determined and serious., Serious minded
Meaning: An individual who is like Oak tree, bright one, Fit for battle
Meaning: one who rules the home., Ruler of the house
Meaning: crowned in victory., Man with crown
Meaning: One who is born to serve like a prosperous guardian, Prosperous guardian
Meaning: One who finds strenght in Yahweh, God provides strength
Meaning: It means Brave in Spanish., Courageous like a boar
Meaning: a Spanish name for nobility or high born., Of noble descent
Meaning: The holder of rich property, Wealthy guard
Meaning: healthy and strong or good harvest or fruitful., Bearing fruit
Meaning: brave and honourable., Respectable and courageous
Meaning: A wealthy man who is known for riches, Prosperity from the spear
Meaning: brave or hardy., Courageous like a boar
Meaning: someone who is a bright warrior., Of great acclaim