Meaning: The name means Ship and Siege, Maker of kettles
Meaning: Kramer is a Traveling Merchant, Tradesman
Meaning: The name means Pine Tree, A pine tree or a barrel maker
Meaning: Kalle name means Strong and Manly, Free man
Meaning: Son of a warrior; a wood of crows, Son of a warrior, a wood of crows, Free man
Meaning: Kahl name means Bald, Bald or without hair
Meaning: Kale means Affectionate, Calm, Man
Meaning: Keil means He is Clumsy, Clumsy or awkward
Meaning: Karel name means Strong, Manly, Masculine, Free man
Meaning: Kert means Simple Pleasure, The strongest spear
Meaning: Kahn name means Small Boat, Priest
Meaning: The name means Brave Adviser, Bold or wise counselor
Meaning: Kohler means Charcoal burner, Associated with coal
Meaning: Kurt means Courteous, Honest Advisor, Bold or wise counselor
Meaning: Kaarle means Strong, Free man
Meaning: Karl means Man, Manly, Free man
Meaning: Kory means Hollow, Unclear
Meaning: Kohl, Kohl means Cabbage, Unclear
Meaning: Keiler mens He Cuts Stones, CLumsy, Clumsy or awkward