Meaning: The tile maker., Tile maker
Meaning: The Goodly nature of god, Goodness of God
Meaning: Son of a German, Son of Ty
Meaning: Thunder ruler, Stubborn animal or person
Meaning: One who is from fertile land, From the good person's valley
Meaning: A small or little person as strong as iron, From a fair town
Meaning: Occupational name, roofer, One who works with thatch
Meaning: Faithful man, Loyal or faithful person
Meaning: Tenant, renter, One who rented land
Meaning: Town full of trees, A settlement by a river crossing
Meaning: A town with a Temple, From Templeton
Meaning: Courageous, Abbreviation of ThaDDeus who was one of Christ's 12 apostles
Meaning: One who owns the taxed land, Owns taxed land
Meaning: Fair town, Living near a large body of water
Meaning: A leather worker., Tanner of animal skin
Meaning: Rock settlement, A settlement beside a prominent stone
Meaning: Person from the thorny barrier, Thorn bush pit
Meaning: God's gift of hope, God is merciful
Meaning: He who resembles a tiger, Unclear
Meaning: River, A place for a house site
Meaning: Tower
Meaning: Son of thomas, Son of Thomas
Meaning: Lathe worker, A craftsman who works with wood
Meaning: Trent's town, From Trenton
Meaning: Town of thorns, From Thorne
Meaning: Of the staff of the gods, Unclear
Meaning: A short form of tyler, Tile maker
Meaning: A short form of theodore, Wealthy guard
Meaning: One who cultivates or tills, Layer or maker of tiles
Meaning: A shallow river crossing, From Telford
Meaning: A thorn town, From Thornton
Meaning: A noble person, A patron Saint or Naples, Abbreviation of Patricia: noble
Meaning: Fox, Fox or fox like
Meaning: He who is wealthy, defender of the nation
Meaning: Boy with white skin, White skinned person
Meaning: Fair town, Living near a large body of water
Meaning: Gushing waters, From the river Trent
Meaning: A fortunate protector, God-given.Famous Bearer:19th century U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt
Meaning: Jayam, Cloth cutter
Meaning: one who is growing, ascending, increasing, Unclear