Meaning: Intelligent, Open-minded, Gracious, Educated and Intellectual
Meaning: Servant of the honored, Servant of the Honourer
Meaning: Strong, Father's brother, Brave
Meaning: Great and mighty, The greatest being alive, Greatest.Intending, Determining, Resolved on, Applying the mind to an undertaking
Meaning: Gift, Present, Arabic - Gift, Fante - One of Twins, Turkish - Ancestor, Predecessor, Gift from Allah
Meaning: Honourable, Noble, Without grief, The most honorable one, Bohat shareef, Buzurg tareen
Meaning: Bright, Like glass, Name aabdar has a quranic origin which means Moon light, early, quick. It is derived from the B-D-R root which is used in the Quran in verse 3:123 in the word Badr, which means "full moon" and is the name of a famous battle.
Meaning: A literary person, Cultured, Civilized, Intellectual, Erudite, Scholar, Literature, Arabic (Learned One), Excellent character, Excellent manners
Meaning: Reward, Compensation, Kind, Tenderhearted, Compassionate
Meaning: One who has excellent manners, One who has excellent character
Meaning: Name of caliph uthmans father, Forgiving person, A pious person, devoted to God, One who forgives
Meaning: Name of a famous king, Foj ka sardar
Meaning: Secret, Sacred relating to Islam, Old word for secrets and mysteries, Secrets, Poshida baatein, Bhaid
Meaning: One whose face glows, one whose face glows (with beauty and health
Meaning: Rare, Great, A rare or precious person, Nayab
Meaning: Mercy, Gratitude, thankfulness, Acha, Khoob soorat, Haseen
Meaning: Faithful, Trustworthy, Honest, Divine Grace, Loyal and Trustworthy, Virtuous, Pious, God-Fearing and Devoted to God
Meaning: Honorable judge, Justice, Righteous, Honorable Judge
Meaning: Sweetness
Meaning: Bold, Courageous, An able minister, Forgiveness, One who forgives others, Qabil Aadmi
Meaning: Limitless, Protecter
Meaning: Behavior, Good Disposition, temper, temperament, character, personality, mood, Morality, Integrity, Decency
Meaning: Famous sahabi of rasoolullah, Famous Sahabi of Rasoolullah(saw
Meaning: Freed slave of sulaym, They a born hero who are strong, Brave, Courageous, Champion, Hero-like
Meaning: Powerful, The greatest, Great, Bohat Bara
Meaning: Skillful, Adroit, An intelligent, wise person, Aqalmand, Aalim
Meaning: Undivided, Indestructible, The Sky, Brahman or the supreme spirit, One of Prophet's companion, a friendly person, A person who brings you joy and peace of mind, who removes your fears and worries
Meaning: More delicate, A gentle, kind, and a graceful human being having empathy, Mehrbaaniyan, Lutf ki jama
Meaning: Need, Strong grip, A form of Abraham, Stong grip
Meaning: Valuable, Neat, Elegant, Smart, An elegant one who is very valuable and lovable, Pyar se galay mein baanhein daalnay wala
Meaning: Extremly wise, Uniquely intelligent, Extremely wise
Meaning: Wise, Intelligent, Thoughtful, Sensible, the who blessed with quick cognitive capacity, intelligent
Meaning: Help, Intelligent, intelligent, Tall palm tree
Meaning: Sublime, Lofty, High, Tall, Noble and majestic, highly impressive and awe-inspiring
Meaning: White, Pure, The white color or the bright or pure
Meaning: Universe, The whole world, aalam has a meaning of World or universe, the one belonging to the whole World, World, Dunya, Globe
Meaning: Determined, One who is extremely talented and wise., determined”, “firm of will
Meaning: Servant of the most great, Servant of the Most Great
Meaning: Faithful, Trustworthy, Honest, Loyal and Trustworthy, Virtuous, Pious, God-Fearing and Devoted to God
Meaning: Slave of the extremely pure, Slave of the Extremely pure
Meaning: Servant of the most high (Allah), Servant of the most High (Allah
Meaning: Respectable Man, Intelligent, Leader who is supreme and strong, active”, “energetic
Meaning: Noble, noble”, “high-born”, a person who comes from a respected and high-class family
Meaning: Chaste, Modest, Chaste in Arabic, A variant of name Afif, Pure, Pious
Meaning: Fire, 9th month of iranian calendar, Scarlet, Aag, Garmi
Meaning: More clear, 8th Persian month, Name of the Angel, 8th Persian month, angel of iron, name aban also in some cases has the meaning spontaneous and versatile, Name ofan angel
Meaning: Eloquent, The more eloquent or a clear person, Clear
Meaning: Amazing, Fresh and sweet, fresh”, “sweet
Meaning: Description of a lion, Description of a Lion, Looking Austere, Lion, Stern, Name of Mohammad's Uncle, Grim-Faced, The Name Of One Of Mohammed's Uncles, (Hebrew) Father
Meaning: Spotted, Speckled, A spotted person, a dotted person
Meaning: Invaluable, Inaccessible, Exalted, Doer, In the sense of being so exalted as to be unattainable, Conscientious, Diligent and Reliable, Worker, Striver, One who hopes
Meaning: Name of a city, Name of a City
Meaning: Safety, Protection, Safe, They are blessed with a friendly nature and a desire to please people around them, Gathering spot
Meaning: Laughter, Chandra (Moon), Beautiful, Handsome, Grandson of prophet Mohammed, Inexpressible
Meaning: Miracle, Wondrous nature, Favour, Blessing, Astonishment, Moujiza, Karamat
Meaning: Servant of the withholder, Servant of the Withholder
Meaning: Bright, Hero, Truthfulness, Dominion, Crown, Pure, Worshipped, Divine, Power, Throne, The seventh layer of sky
Meaning: Bread seller, Long lived, Long-lived
Meaning: Fluent, Eloquent
Meaning: Pre-eminent, Master, Chief, Elder brother, Another name for God, The word means Someone in control over something, Lord, chief, Lord
Meaning: Servant of God (Allah), God's slave or servant of Allah, Islamic mystic Muhammad's father name was Abdullah., Servant Of God, Allah ka banda
Meaning: Eyes, Vision, Sight, The perception or the vision or the intellect, Swift, Hikmat, Deikha, Elam
Meaning: Servant, Devotee, Slave, A slave, Banda, Ghulaam
Meaning: Pious, Better guided, Honest, A devoted and better guided person, kind and nice, More rightly guided, reasonable, pious, devout, Nihayat hidayat yafta
Meaning: Servant of the preserver, Servant of the Preserver
Meaning: A literary person, Cultured, Civilized, A scholar, well-mannered, cultured, Cultured; Well mannered one
Meaning: Brilliant, Enlightened, Intelligent, Light of the Moon, One who is enlightened, Powerful and Able, Hands, Power, Strength
Meaning: Gifts, gifts”, things given freely
Meaning: Great and mighty, Non-Arab, Foreign, Persian, Date seed
Meaning: Name of a prophet, A nabee, The plural of religion and creed, Religions, Creeds
Meaning: Quintessence of fire, The one who is keen to learn spiritual rules and regulations., Nobleness, Sublimity, Loftiness
Meaning: Pious, Beautiful, The total, More beautiful,, Handsome, Noble, High ranking,
Meaning: Noble, One who is pure and noble, Decent
Meaning: Fairness, one who follows a straight path
Meaning: Compassionate, Protector of the weak and oppressed., affectionate”, “compassionate”, “kind”, “protector of the weak and oppressed
Meaning: A narrator of Hadith, The narrator of Hadith, A narrator of hadith was so named
Meaning: Gift of God
Meaning: Fourth prayer of the day, One who has wisdom, Brave, strong, Liveliness, Aqal mand, Sahib-e-sha'oor, Name of the drama character, Humsafar drama character name
Meaning: Lion
Meaning: The Indus river, The other name of Indus River, The Indus River
Meaning: Well spoken, Fluent, Well-spoken
Meaning: Holy, Pure, A holy and pure individual, elderly, Sacred, Bohat Pak
Meaning: Name of third dynsaty of Persian kings, Name of a Persian dynasty, Healthy, Sahat mand
Meaning: Star, Flower, Good Man, Arabic - Star, Good Luck, Sitara, Naseeb, Shagoon
Meaning: Petty, Handsome, A pious or a god-fearing person, Achay log, Naik aur Parhaiz gar log
Meaning: Close friend, Good company, Smart one, Companion, Supreme, Quranic name which gives the person a friendly personality and good companionship, Gentle, Good Friend and Companion
Meaning: Handsome, Beautiful, Distinguished illustrious, Noble, Magnanimous name of a companion of the prophet, Bin al-muzan, One who is very handsome, brave, noble, dedicated, committed, faithful, dependable, righteous and obedient in nature., Distinguished, Illustrious
Meaning: Ibn-aybak was a leading historian, This name refers to Qutb-Ud-Din Aibak. It means slave or messenger., Referred to Qutb-ud-din Aibak(Aybak). Ibn-Aybak was a leading historian
Meaning: Living, Captivating, Fascinating, the one who is alive or Living, Spending a life
Meaning: Ruler, Prince, Rich, Prosperous, Populous, Full Prosperous, Amply Settled, Civilise, Civilised, Well mannered
Meaning: Fresh, Fresh and sweet. A variant of Azeeb., fresh”, “sweet”, especially water that is refreshing to drink
Meaning: A narrator of Hadith, Name of one of narrator of hadith, Name of one of the narrators of Hadith
Meaning: Servant of the subduer (Allah), servant of the Supreme”, which means “servant of Allah” as al-Qahir is one of the names of Allah in Islam
Meaning: Ruler, Prince, Rich, Prosperous, A born leader and a prince who is born to give orders, Imperial; Abundant; Inhabited Prosperous; Full of life; Substantial Commander; Ruler; Chief
Meaning: Description of a lion, the Description of a lion, Gloony look
Meaning: Warrior in Islam, A warrior of Muslim religion
Meaning: The first people who converted to the religion of Islam were the people of Ansar, The one who helped Muhammad, supporters, defenders, upholders, advocates
Meaning: Fair, A person who practices justice and fairness, One who follows a straight path
Meaning: A narrator of Hadith, Name of the narrator of one of the hadith
Meaning: Hope, the act of waiting or having hope, Maroof Sahaabi ka naam
Meaning: Free, Independent, An independent and a free person, Khud mukhtar, Farigh, Bari
Meaning: Obedient, Submissive, The word aadheen means obedient, one who comply with commands and is submissive
Meaning: Honest, Eemandar
Meaning: Call for the prayer, Quranic name - Announcement, Call to prayer, Call recitied in Mosque 5 times a day calling for prayer, Ibadat k liye bulana
Meaning: Sublime, Lofty, High, Tall, Excellent, Noble, Elevated, prominent, superior, The High exalted one, The sublime
Meaning: The first character in hijaiyah, Liked by everybody, Likeable, Friendly
Meaning: Sublime, Lofty, High, Tall, Excellent, Noble, The another name of Allah or the almighty
Meaning: Faith, Fearless, Mubarak-bad denay wali
Meaning: Honorable judge, Justice, Righteous, aadil means righteous, high in moral and virtuous, suggesting sanctimonious, Just, Upright
Meaning: Justice, Justice or an utterly just person, fairness, virtuousness, moderation, moral excellence
Meaning: Having narrow, Contracted, Squinting eyes, contracted or squinting eyes., Brave, Courageous
Meaning: Merciful, The one filled with compassion, Compassion
Meaning: Wise, Intelligent, Knowing, Knowledgeable, Sage,
Meaning: Shadows at high Noon, One who can reflect , Strong, Comfort
Meaning: The Lord of the whole world, Conqueror of the world, Leader
Meaning: Slave of the high, the Persons by whom God Continues the World in Existence, Devotee, Religious person
Meaning: Hope or desire, Army Man, Wish, Desire, Awesome, Crave, Want, A wish, desire (1
Meaning: Allah, Another name of God, Muslim - Another Name for God, Farsi -the only one of its kind, An Unique Individual, One, Unique, Matchless
Meaning: Handsome, Healthy, the one who is healthy and very handsome
Meaning: A narrator of Hadith, A narrator of hadith, High Status, Exalted, Sublime and Superb, Unique, Special, Excellent
Meaning: Bright, Hero, Truthfulness, Dominion, Crown, Pure, Worshipped, Divine, A bright, truthful boy, Leader, Salar, Quaid
Meaning: Little rock, Handsome
Meaning: Masters, Lords, A mighty Lion or a Snake, Lion, Snake
Meaning: A cowherd, Name of dynasty, A Cow-herd
Meaning: War, Battle, Quarrel, the name means War, battle or being conqueror
Meaning: Chaste, Modest, Chaste in Arabic, Virtuous, Pious, God-Fearing and Devoted to God
Meaning: Servant, Servant of Allah, excellence of the faith”, “supremacy of the faith”, meaning that the person named Aladdin is a strong and virtuous man and is the cause for the success and greatness of his religion
Meaning: Pre-eminent, Master, Chief, Elder brother, Another name for God, A noble person who is honoured for his effieciency, intelligence and great positive leadership qualities., Lord
Meaning: Hope or desire, Army Man, Wish, Desire, wish, has a generous and helpful nature, Mashoor
Meaning: Alive, alive”, “living-well
Meaning: Knowledge person, Wise, Sch, Olarly, Omniscient, Learned, Religious scholar, One who has knowledge, Jaannay wala, Jaannay wali
Meaning: Amazing, Wonder, Wondrous
Meaning: Lucky
Meaning: Judge, Honest, Upright, Justice, Sincere, Just, Munsif, Insaf karnay wala
Meaning: Sweet, One who sweet,tasty,and fresh, sweet”, “tasty”, “fresh
Meaning: Servant of the manifest, Servant of the Manifest
Meaning: Strong one, Strong
Meaning: Worshippers, being a Worshippers
Meaning: Wish, Hope, Love, love
Meaning: Glittering sword
Meaning: United, Joined, Together, Kind and affectionate, Kind, Affectionate
Meaning: Favors, Kindness, Compassion, Noble Prince, Mehrbaniyan, Inayatein, Shafqat ki jama
Meaning: Limitless, Protecter, The one who is a Protector and Guardian, Person who keeps away from sins
Meaning: Praiseworthy, Commendable, Much praised. One of many names of the prophet Muhammad., Much Praised, Bohot tareef wala
Meaning: One in a million, Name of a sahabi during the time of prophet, Sahabi during the Prophet's time, Sahabi
Meaning: Name of An Angel, Name of an angel
Meaning: Servant of the finder, Slave of the finder, Perceiver, Servant of the Finder
Meaning: Respectable Man, Intelligent, the one who is a respectable man, intelligent, the one who leads, Rain-bearing cloud
Meaning: Blue, Name of a companion of the prophet, The color blue. Also the name of a companion of Prophet Muhammad.
Meaning: Bold, Courageous, An able minister, Forgiveness, An Able Minister
Meaning: More clear, 8th Persian month, this is an Old Arabic Name, Old arabic name, Arbi ka purana naam
Meaning: Worshipper of God, Worshipper or devout of the Lord, Worshipper, Adore
Meaning: Worshippers, Islam name means worshipper of the Allah
Meaning: Devoted worshipper of Allah, the one who is Worshipper of Allah, Worshiper of Allah
Meaning: Peace, Panah, Hifazat
Meaning: Lion, Bravery, Proper name, Settler, One who settles for a long time in a place, Paradise, Jannat
Meaning: Excellent, Generous, openhanded, charitable, big-hearted,Merciful., Bohat bakhshnay wala, Bohat mehrban
Meaning: Determined, Resolved, Very much determined
Meaning: Devoted servant of God, worshiper of God”, “devoted servant of God
Meaning: Single, Unique, Refers to single one of its kind., Matchless, Peerless
Meaning: Bright, Hope, Pure, Hardworking, Optimistic, Expectation, Brillinat, Another name for Narayana, Clean, Unblemished, Aspiration, Guiltless
Meaning: Abdullah ibn-musa, To frown or the frowning, This was the name of Abdullah ibn-Musa, a scholar and reciter of the Quran, died 828/829
Meaning: Knowledge, Person supposed to be religious in his or her faith tradition, Servant (of Allah
Meaning: Respected and enduring, A sincere slave of Mahmood the king once upon a time, Cool night breeze, a royal breeze, Cool breeze, Night breeze
Meaning: Fearless, Different
Meaning: Habit, Customary, Tradition
Meaning: Ayyub was a prophet of Allah known for his patience in the face of severity and hardship there have been other noted men by this name, For instance Ibn Tamim was a reciter of the Quran, Al-sakhtiyani, One who is born to do good, Ayyub was a Prophet of Allah known for his patience in the face of severity and hardship
Meaning: Awf guest, Fragrance, Lion, Guest, lion
Meaning: More clear, an Old arabic name, Waters, 8th Month Of The Iranian Calendar Name Of A Certain Angel, Old Arabic Name Dual Of Abu
Meaning: Rays of light, Devote of God, More radiant, Light, Radiance, Glow
Meaning: Loving, One with loving nature, understanding, One who is loving
Meaning: Another name of prophet Muhammad, Follower, the follower of allah, follower
Meaning: Lucky, On the right, A right headed and blessed individual, blessed and good fortune, and literally means on the right side
Meaning: A tree which has scent, A scented tree or a tree that has fragrance
Meaning: Adorer, Lover, Suitor, The true lover, a suitor, lover
Meaning: Justice, one who acts with justice and fairness
Meaning: Lion
Meaning: Healthy, Vanity, Breath, Breathing, Sehet mand
Meaning: Pl of Abid i.e. worshipper, Hebrew - Father of Knowledge, My Father Knows, One who worships religion, a slave to religion
Meaning: Bold, Courageous, An able minister, Forgiveness, the one having a confident character or being courageous
Meaning: Forgiver, Ghalti muaf karnay wali
Meaning: Name of one of the narrators of Hadith, Name of one of the narrators of hadith
Meaning: Famous, On the top, Heights, Greatest, Determined, the one who is determined
Meaning: Wise, Intelligent, Thoughtful, Sensible, A super gifted intelligent being who is wise and reasonable, Aqalmand, Daana
Meaning: Captivating, Fascinating, Devout, Active, One with a captivating and fascinating personality.
Meaning: Rays of light, Devote of God, More radiant, The one who is dazzling and bright, an eternal flame and light, Illuminated, Radiant, Most enlightened, Best lit, Clearest, Most eloquent
Meaning: Attached, Intent, Devoted, Given
Meaning: Leader, A born leader, victorious
Meaning: One who salutes, Peace, Arabic - Healthy, Safer, Freer, Mehfooz o mamoon, Nihayat Mehfooz
Meaning: Acquainted, Knowledgeable, Knowing, Aware
Meaning: Abuzar Jiya da tar ips hota hai, Father or owner of wealth, A great Sahabi of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW
Meaning: Prophet name, highly praised", which in turn implies "one who constantly thanks God., Much Praised, Bohot tareef wala,
Meaning: Branch of a tree in heaven, Arabic - Flower, Irish - Tree Branches with Leaves, Branch, Twig
Meaning: Short, Small, Junior, Smaller, younger, Nihayat chhota, Younger, Deenaar
Meaning: Servant of God, Worshipper, Adorer
Meaning: Servant of the mighty, Quranic name means servant of unbreaker that stands of servant of Allah as it is one of the name of Allah, servant of the Mighty/the Unbreaker”, which means “servant of Allah” as al-Jabar is one of the names of Allah
Meaning: A narrator of Hadith, Stable and reliable, Steady, Firmly in place, Deep-rooted, Stable and Reliable
Meaning: Supplemental, excess , increase , innovation., Kasrat, Addition, Azafa
Meaning: Devoted worshipper of Allah, Very devoted
Meaning: The earth, helper”, “supporter
Meaning: The first prophet of Allah, Malay version of Adam, meaning 'father of mankind'., Man From The Red Earth
Meaning: Servant of the loving, A person who always try to help loved ones, Servant of the Loving
Meaning: Perfume, perfume”, “fragrance
Meaning: One who prays 5 times and fasts, Forever, Immortal
Meaning: Intelligent, Keen
Meaning: Knowledge person, Wise, Sch, Olarly, Omniscient, Learned, Religious scholar, the one who is Knowledgeable, high scholor, very wise, Man Of Learning
Meaning: Slave of the one who seeks, This was the name of the grand father of the Prophet PBUH
Meaning: Knowing or knowledgeable, Wise, Intelligent, Educated, Knowledgeable, Intellectual, Learned
Meaning: A mythological king, A Mythological King, Unique, Someone who is one of kind and has no other equivalent
Meaning: Famous, On the top, Heights, Greatest, Determined, The great and magnificent being, Grand, Lofty
Meaning: Complete, Whole, Perfect, Entire, one who is complete, one who cannot he harmed or injured, Bara kaamil, Nehaayat mahir
Meaning: Evening time, Real, Pure, Evening Time
Meaning: Who looks after someone, Takes care, The supreme master, Leader, Masters, Chiefs, People in charge
Meaning: The one who was sent, Messenger
Meaning: Worshipper of God, A derogatory term that means slave, servant or worshipper, servant of God”, “devoted worshiper of God
Meaning: Invaluable, Inaccessible, Exalted, Doer, it means a Hardworking person, doer, Work man
Meaning: Most excellent, The Best in Arabic, Most Excellent,, Grace, Buzurg, Bartar
Meaning: Hope or desire, Army Man, Wish, Desire, hope, one who is yearning, Khawahish, Arzoo, Hosla
Meaning: Lion, Lord of mount Kailash or Lord Shiva, Sher
Meaning: Worshipper of God, The word aabid means powerful, complete, worshipper of allah, it also signifies the one who is good intellectually and requires several outlet of energies, Worshipper, Ibadat karnay wala
Meaning: The first prophet of Allah, Black, Very dark, The color black
Meaning: More glorious, Arabic - Greater Glory, Noble, Most Excellent, More Illustrious, Skillful, Expert, Admirable and Praiseworthy, Buzurg, Shareef
Meaning: Very pious, Virtuous and devoted to God, Bht pak, Pakeeza
Meaning: Better, Better than others, excellent, Excellent, Good
Meaning: Larkspur, alive”, “living-well
Meaning: Wonder, Astonishmen, Amazement
Meaning: The beautiful one to grow in peace and Love with God, A great one and it come signify God
Meaning: United, Joined, Together, Arabic - Kind One, Generous, Sympathetic, Compassionate, Kind - Affectionate
Meaning: God is my father, God my father
Meaning: Servant of the superb, This Islam name means a servant of majestic one or superb, Servant of the Superb
Meaning: Like, Similar to, Hope, Doctor