Meaning: River bank, shore”, “river bank
Meaning: Ruler, Clear, Eloquent, Lucid
Meaning: Strong, Prosperity population, A prophets name, A Prophet father'S name, Hazrat Musa(Moses) father'S Name Hazrat Imran,
Meaning: Good person, Who is industrious, Able to create and build things
Meaning: Submission to Allah, Obedience, Peace, Peaceful, Very safe, Ita'at karna
Meaning: Power, Office, Authority, Capability
Meaning: Chosen, One who is chosen, elected or approved., chosen, Approved, Desirable, Elected, Nominated, selected,
Meaning: Signal, Guidance, Guiding hand, Direction, Pious Guidance, Order,
Meaning: Power of discrimination, Category, Privilege, Distinction, Qualification,
Meaning: Affection, Happy, Happiness, Gaiety and Happy life, familiar and pleasant talk,
Meaning: Vine, grape seed
Meaning: Knowledgeable, Thankfulness, Recognition, Identification, wisdom, knowledge,
Meaning: Pillar, Post, Support, support or mainstay, Pillars
Meaning: Act of kindness, Benefaction, Bestowal, Gift, Present, Prize, Grant, Benefit, Blessings and Profit
Meaning: Abraham, Earth, Earth a prophets name, A variant of Ebrahim, meaning father of many nations ., A Prophet'S Name, Father of Multitude, Hazrat Ibraheem(AS), Bazurgi wala,
Meaning: Leather, Chamra
Meaning: Glory, Destiny, Desire, Progress, Prosperity, wealth, Advancement, proficiency,
Meaning: A prophet, The biblical ishm, A Prophet'S Name, Son of Prophet Ibraheem(AS), A Meaningful smile,
Meaning: High rank, Honor, High Rank, Honour, Venerable, Great Noble,
Meaning: A prophets name, Name of a Muslim prophet., A Prophet's name
Meaning: Having many followers, Modesty, Decency, One who has a splendid or magnificent personality., Magnificence, Splendid, Impressive, Remarkable. La-jawwab, shaandaar,
Meaning: Honor, Hospitality, Generosity, Esteem, Respect, Dignity, Reputation, veneration,
Meaning: The one who praise, Sifat bayan karna
Meaning: Gold, gold
Meaning: Protector, Safeguard, Hifazat karny wala
Meaning: Pillar, Post, Support, Sahara dany wala
Meaning: Obedience, Submission, Acceptance
Meaning: A prophets name, Fiery Lord, Variant of the name Idris. It means one who instructs or teaches., Variant of Idris: A Prophet'S Name, one who instruct, one who teach,
Meaning: Signal, Guidance, Guiding hand, Hidayat, Hukam
Meaning: To wait, Rah deikhna, Aasra
Meaning: Protector, Safeguard, Connection, Bond, Promise
Meaning: Submission, Revelation, Declaration, Display, Disclosure, Zahir karna, Bayan, Haqeeqat
Meaning: A female pigeon, Pigeon
Meaning: Leader, Leader or chief, Chief, Paishwa, Tasbeeh ka bara daana
Meaning: Charity, Madad karna, Help karna
Meaning: Strong, tough”, “strong
Meaning: King, Magnificent