Meaning: Name describing lake, pond; fortified place, pond, fortified place, Lock
Meaning: A little but fierce warrior, Fierce one
Meaning: Hebrew name that means I have Judge, I have an arbiter
Meaning: The name means Meadow Lake, Lake in a meadow
Meaning: Name of Supreme Hindu God, Lord Vinshu, Lord Vishnu
Meaning: Covered up, veiled person., Veil
Meaning: Short for Leonard, meaning brave like a lion, Strong like the lion
Meaning: One whose light illuminates people. Also means Horse Blaze, Filled with light
Meaning: A person who is blessed with good fortune, Fortunate
Meaning: Man from the long mountain, Ridge, long mountain
Meaning: A Man who Belongs to God, God
Meaning: Laurel tree, the symbols of Honor and Fame, City of laurels
Meaning: An elderly person with a grey hair, a wise man, Smart
Meaning: A thriumphant, victorius one, City of laurels
Meaning: I have my light, I have light
Meaning: To be from Lucania, souther Itanly, From Lucania
Meaning: Son of Lawrence, A Son of the Honored and Famous, Laurence's son
Meaning: Nickname of Olivia, a peaseful person, Color of led or bluish gray
Meaning: Leen's wood, River in the woods
Meaning: He who is from town Laurentum, City of laurels
Meaning: The name means The Norwegian, Land filled with lakes
Meaning: A dearly loved one, Small wolf
Meaning: He is the Lord of the light, Filled with light
Meaning: Chinesee name meaning logic, Strong or powerful
Meaning: A person who is deeply loved, dear one
Meaning: The one who rules the land, Powerful ruler
Meaning: Chinesee name meaning forest, From the woods
Meaning: A gardn of holiness and sancity, Holly orchard
Meaning: One who comes from Laurentum, City of laurels
Meaning: Noble person who is alwats ready for a battle, Noble and prepared
Meaning: Englishman, man who comes from England, Long life
Meaning: People from the town Baron in Normandy, The warrior
Meaning: The one who comes from the long meadow, From a narrow lane
Meaning: One from the Low Valley, From the low valley
Meaning: A faitful and devoted person, Faithful
Meaning: He is a symbol of Honor and Victory, Modernand Laurie referring to the laurel tree or sweet bay tree symbolic of honor and victory
Meaning: He who came from famous lands, Famous land
Meaning: A gray man, Gray haired person
Meaning: Lajos means Famos Holiness, Well-known fighter
Meaning: A person of clensed and purified soul, Valley
Meaning: Place name, an Italian city Laurentum, City of laurels
Meaning: A name that means Lord Perumal, Lakshmi and Lord Vishnu together
Meaning: Person who is from grassy plain; Lion, Person who is from grassy plain, Lion, From the Grassy Plain, Laundry-man, Lion Man, Property Owner or Laundry-man
Meaning: Variation of Laurel, meaning the one coming from a place of laurel trees, Laurel tree
Meaning: Variation of the name Lntrell meaning King's estate, by adding La, King's property
Meaning: Person with a kind heart, Connected
Meaning: Tear that are shed out of love, From Laramie
Meaning: Latin word meaning lion, Lion man
Meaning: Name of river Brahmputra, River Brahmputra
Meaning: Fierce person, Laurel tree
Meaning: Distinction, Honor and Fame given for achivements, City of laurels
Meaning: A place whit a grand herb garden, A settlement with a water course
Meaning: Describing someone who is from enclosed wood, An enclosed forest
Meaning: A firend who is deeply loved and appriciated, dear friend
Meaning: The one who recieved God's help, My helper is God
Meaning: German word for yew trees, White
Meaning: A worrior of strong will, Strong mind and protection
Meaning: One who is full of light, Filled with light
Meaning: Person as fierce as a Lion, Noble and prepared
Meaning: The one who is very dear, Of a courtesan
Meaning: The one who is famous and respected warrior, Well-known fighter
Meaning: Belonging to the sea, From near a pool
Meaning: One who gives light, From Lucania
Meaning: Bold Lion, Strong like the lion
Meaning: Lion. Latin name describing Lionlike preson, Strong like the lion
Meaning: From Lucania, a region in South Italy
Meaning: He who comes from Laurentium, City of laurels
Meaning: Someone who lives near elm trees, Smooth farm
Meaning: Lafayette means Faith, From La Hetire
Meaning: His settlement, From a settlement on a low hill
Meaning: The one who is wealthy, Success and wealth
Meaning: Lai means Future, The Beloved One
Meaning: The one who crossed the shallows, Long farm
Meaning: A kind of a tree. A linden tree, From near a lime tree
Meaning: Italian name for renowned fighter, Well-known fighter
Meaning: An army of people
Meaning: Name from Arthurian legend, Lancelot's cousin, Lion man
Meaning: My joy, my song, Joy is mine
Meaning: Laird means Lord, Landlord or owner of land
Meaning: French name meaning Great knight, brave warrior, Well-known fighter
Meaning: The one that brings light, Light of the day
Meaning: A name of the God Sivan, God Sivan
Meaning: He who lived in Italian city Laurentum, City of laurels
Meaning: A mythical creature, Dragon, dragon
Meaning: A place name refers to a person who is from Livingstone, Leving's town
Meaning: Land filled with brightness, from Germanic words "lan" meaning lend and "beraght" meaning bright, Land bright
Meaning: Man from Laurentum, City of laurels
Meaning: Gaelic word for little cloak, Of a courtesan
Meaning: Short form of Greek name Alexander, defender of man
Meaning: A meadow of the flax plant, From a lime tree farm
Meaning: A person who has the qualities of a young wolf, Small wolf
Meaning: He who illuminates, From Lucania
Meaning: German name for someone who is famous in battle, Son of a well known warrior
Meaning: The one who is fierce, A :from the place of the laurel leaves.Famous Bearer:Laurie Lee, author of Cider with Rosie
Meaning: Woods where flax grow, River in the woods
Meaning: Swedish name meaning Lion, Strong like the lion
Meaning: Latin name for morning star, the one who brings light, Light bearer
Meaning: Man of law, lawyer, Lawyer
Meaning: Russian name for Lion, Lion man
Meaning: Biblical name meaning incense, white, White mountain
Meaning: Town with leek garden, Leek farm
Meaning: Italian version of the name Lazarus, My helper is God
Meaning: A place name from a region in England and is also a river name, Coming from a loud river valley
Meaning: City of laurels
Meaning: From the long enclosure, From an area with a long stone
Meaning: One with a flaming-red hair, The street
Meaning: Little young rabbit, Fleet footed
Meaning: Renowed fighter, warrior, Famous warrior
Meaning: Song of mine, song that brings me joy, I have song
Meaning: Scottish nickname for people from Norway, Land filled with lakes
Meaning: From Arthurian Legent, Knight of Arthur, Knight of the Round Table, Lover of Guinevere, Servant
Meaning: One who lives in the Lime wood forest, From near a lime forest
Meaning: Lavar is a name popular among African Americans, Unclear
Meaning: From the name of Slavic tribe Lendians, Fallow land
Meaning: Person who is attached or pleadged, Connected
Meaning: Attorney, he who practices the law, Person who deals with law
Meaning: One who has no limits, Asim
Meaning: The one than is like a Lion, Strong like the lion
Meaning: The long shallow river crossing, From an area with a long river crossing
Meaning: Place where laurels grow, City of laurels
Meaning: Third son of Jacob and Leah, Biblical name, Relating to the tribe of Levi
Meaning: One who practices law and justice, man of law, Lawyer
Meaning: God-like; Servant, God-like, Servant, Land or region
Meaning: One who comes from the hill where the linden tree grow, Hill with lime trees on it
Meaning: A biblical name, means to disolve, to destroy, One who destroys
Meaning: A royal, morachial one who rules others, King
Meaning: A husband of the one who bring prosperity to the world, Vishnu, Husband of Goddess Lakshmi
Meaning: Biblical name describing something that is hidden, wrapped up, Covering
Meaning: A person with a young mind, Lamb or lamb like
Meaning: Occupational name, cattle keeper, Keeper of calves
Meaning: A woman who lives near linden trees, From near a lime tree
Meaning: A place name from the city of Leicester, meaning from a legion camp, From a fort near the river Legra
Meaning: Lion, Lionlike man, Strong like the lion
Meaning: Famous in war, Well-known fighter
Meaning: Name meaning Lion, Lion man
Meaning: A man who releases others, a defender, One who releases men
Meaning: Healer, the one with the power to heal, From a clearing
Meaning: The one who casts light on people, From Lukania
Meaning: Rare name, mostly surname neaning comes from an old town place, From a small farm or settlement
Meaning: Brave and bold people, a name popular among German Royalty, Courageous people
Meaning: French name for hare, Fleet footed
Meaning: To feel the mercy of God, God is merciful
Meaning: Name of the Shakespearian king, From the river Legra
Meaning: A name that comes from the bird Lark, a symbol of Daybreak and Lovers, City of laurels
Meaning: One from the island, Coming from an island
Meaning: A person who is from the ford at the hill, From a Hill ford
Meaning: Biblical name, means God's assistance, My helper is God
Meaning: Latin name representing lion, Bold lion
Meaning: glowing, the one that gives light, Light of the day
Meaning: Variation of name Lucian, meaning light, enlightened, Light of the day
Meaning: A fame searching warrior, Well-known fighter
Meaning: Place name, a region in southern Italy, From Lucania
Meaning: A famous bearer, surname, From a lime tree hill
Meaning: A wolf cub, Small wolf
Meaning: A soft and gentle person with an extremly friendly personality, From near a lime tree
Meaning: Name descrbes the one who is from the long hill, Ridge, long mountain
Meaning: Lion-like brave man, Strong like the lion
Meaning: Lion-like. A name of a legendary Spartan King., Lion man
Meaning: Seamen, man who travels the seas, From a bank or a slope
Meaning: The one who has great love for wolves, People with wolf
Meaning: A bird Lark, a bird spicies with extravagant songs, Early bird
Meaning: Posessor of the lucky marks, Son of King, Lucky
Meaning: Someone who is famous throughout the land; Bright Sun, Someone who is famous throughout the land, Bright Sun, Unclear
Meaning: Laine means From the Long Meadow, Serves John
Meaning: A place name, one from the city Lincoln in England., From a bank or a slope
Meaning: Laciann means The Famous Ruler, DeriveD from Lacey, a French Nobleman's surname
Meaning: The one who is loved the most, dear one
Meaning: Luminous light, Light of the day
Meaning: French name for famous soldier, good warrior, Well-known fighter
Meaning: A person who resides a lot in the barns, or works in a barn, From Latham
Meaning: Long, tall person, Tall person
Meaning: Lord of the lake, Land filled with lakes
Meaning: he who is luminous, Light of the day
Meaning: The name of an early Scottish chieftain and a place name., From Lorne
Meaning: Old nickname for someone who is brave; strong lock, Old nickname for someone who is brave, strong lock, Fresh water fish
Meaning: The captivating beauty of the eyes, One with Beautiful Eyes
Meaning: A lion-like leader, dwells by the torrent
Meaning: The one who speaks Latin, Interpreter or Latin speaker
Meaning: A bright glowing light, From Lucania
Meaning: From the city of laurels, City of laurels