Meaning: Incomparable, Fearless, Unique, Without comparision, The God is my bright and nimble., Without comparison
Meaning: King, Ruler of sovereign.
Meaning: New Moon, The beautiful and pretty moon in the blue sky.
Meaning: Lord of night (Moon) nishipati, Nishipal, The Companion of night
Meaning: New, The person who is fresh or original.
Meaning: Precious, Obviously contrived to charm.
Meaning: Husband of night (Moon), Ruler of the nation., Husband of night Moon
Meaning: An incarnation of Lord Vishnu, Lion among men, The Lion among men, Lord Vishnu
Meaning: New ray of Sunshine, New Radiance,, New Sun rays of motivation
Meaning: Fearless, The person who gets rid of awe and dread.
Meaning: Feet of a king, The feet of a monarch or ruler.
Meaning: Best among the snakes, The greatest and finest among the serpents.
Meaning: Hero, The magnificent marine.
Meaning: By the ash tree, An adventurer, The one who leads the country., An adventurer (1
Meaning: Snakes diamond, The precious diamond of the serpents.
Meaning: Blue
Meaning: Sound of flowing water, Gentle sound of water, The priceless gift from God.
Meaning: Fearless, The one who is free from scare, trepidation, shock or panic.
Meaning: Lord Shiva, One who wears cobra, Refers to the Lord Shiva, who wears the cobra around his neck.
Meaning: Champion, Cloud, Passionate, Crow, Talktive person, Blue, Indigo, Sapphire, Treasure, A mountain, Zealous, adoring, zealous, fervent.
Meaning: King amongst men, The super hero among male sex.
Meaning: God of drama Lord Shiva, The king of drama.
Meaning: Destiny, Fixed, Determined, The closest angel to the God, destiny
Meaning: New, A new person who is eternal fresh
Meaning: One of the kauravas
Meaning: Sharpness, One who has a sharp personality
Meaning: Lord of all, The God of pearls
Meaning: Pure, Brilliant, Clean, The one who dwells in the north side farm house.
Meaning: Vedic text, Teaching, Town, Victory, The numerous collection of precious properties.
Meaning: Narang ca be used as a surname in various culture, Orange, Human, A twin
Meaning: King of stars, Map
Meaning: Horizon, The line at which the sky and earth appear to meet.
Meaning: Illuminated, Brightened or lightened one.
Meaning: Hindu mataji prashad with curd & sugar
Meaning: Knowledge, Awareness, understanding, intelligence, acquaintance.
Meaning: A house, A habitation, A place to Stay, Refuge, House, Household or manor or residence or home-grown or grange.
Meaning: To pay homage, Bowing
Meaning: Lord Vishnu, Refuge of Man, Where all living species take final rest
Meaning: A jewel, Lord Vishnu, Peacock, Lord Shiva, The Lord Shiva of the world., Shiva
Meaning: Lord cobra, The God Cobra, the king of the snakes.
Meaning: Name of one of the Pandavas, Son, A musical instrument, The fourth Pandava Prince from the Mahabharata, Mongoose, Another name for Shiva, A mongoose, A sharp-minded
Meaning: Daughter, Goddess Durga, Great achiever, Happiness, Son of Lord Shiva, Young Man, Wealth, An Apsara or celestial nymph, Jo of peace and comfort, daughter, Goddess durga, Lord Shivas son
Meaning: King of serpents, The possessor of the snakes
Meaning: Moon (Lord of night, Moon, who came to existence in night
Meaning: Holy, Bound, Limited
Meaning: New, The person who is new and fresh.
Meaning: Lotus flower, To illuminate, Irradiate, Lotus which is blooming in the water.
Meaning: Cheerful, Seventh note on Indian musical scale, Awesome, The Lion among the males, Seventh note on indian musical scale
Meaning: God gift, Inherent, Inscribed into something, Within something, Essential, intrinsic, characteristic, natural.
Meaning: King of stars, The ruler or monarch of the star planet.
Meaning: Home, A place to live, where humans live
Meaning: Fresh butter, Gentle, Soft, Always new, New and fresh to the eternity
Meaning: An epithet of Lord Vishnu, An epithet of Vishnu
Meaning: Morning Sun, Person who born under the shining sun.
Meaning: Lord Shiva, Poison less, Sweet, The New Lord of mankind
Meaning: Eye, The eyes of a person
Meaning: Eternal, Celestial, Continuing forever or indefinitely.
Meaning: Eyes
Meaning: Bowing, Bending down or the event of bowing down to worship.
Meaning: Lord Vishnu, Man-lion, Vishnu is the fourth incarnation, A person marked by the exercise of good judgment or common sense in practical matters.
Meaning: Land of bliss
Meaning: Battle maiden
Meaning: Nivedyam to God, The greetings to the God
Meaning: Sharpness, A tiny falcon, a baby falcon. A person with the qualities of a falcon
Meaning: Vanquisher of all evils & vices & sins, Defeater or overcomer of all demon or evil powers and authorities.
Meaning: Separation from world
Meaning: God of law, One well versed in law, Follower of the correct way, Master of the right path, The Lord of ethics and morality
Meaning: Leader of all human beings, King of men, The king, The Kings of Men
Meaning: Result, The result or outcome of work
Meaning: Leader of men, One who leads the mankind
Meaning: Lord, Protector, Master, Ruler, chief, major., Lord/protector
Meaning: Lord Krishna, Name of the Lord Krishna
Meaning: Bowed down, Modest, To bow in a humble greeting, Worshipper, So humble that he bestow in front of others
Meaning: Inside viewer, Spilt second, Transient, Another name for Vishnu, The person who is connected to God.
Meaning: Separation from world
Meaning: Fresh butter, One who takes pleasure in new joys, Always new for the whole life
Meaning: No selfishness, A selfless person, without any self desire
Meaning: New, The ninth person or the ninth element
Meaning: King of snake, The Lord of all snakes.
Meaning: Lord of Man, The king of the Kings
Meaning: King of the serpents, King of cobras, One who possess snakes
Meaning: King, Monarch or emperor.
Meaning: Lord Krishna, Moon, Another name for Lord Krishna
Meaning: Husband of night (Moon), Lord or Night, Lord Moon, Husband of night (Moon
Meaning: Object in the Sky cloud, Moon, Who is like unto the most high God.
Meaning: Lord Murugan name, A name given to Lord Murugan
Meaning: Holy, Bound, Limited, Saint
Meaning: Treasure Lord
Meaning: Victorious people, The winning person on behalf of people.
Meaning: Lord Shiva, King of the art of dancing, King among actors, Shiva as the cosmic dancer of destruction, Lord of dance, Who has excellent talent in dancing.
Meaning: Name of Lord Shiva
Meaning: Beautifull eyes, Borderline of the entrance.
Meaning: King Nala, A hero from the Mahabharata who was king of Nishadha, A open, Pertaining to Nishadha, An epic poem, A heroic king from Mahabharata, A hero from the mahabharata who was king of nishadha
Meaning: Lotus eyed
Meaning: Name of a God, The Lord in the form of Lion, The meaning of name is gods name
Meaning: Giver of wealth & treasures, Kuber, Presenter of fortune materials
Meaning: God of law, One well versed in law, Follower of the correct way, Master of the right path, The God of morality
Meaning: Fearsome, The person who is closer to the sky.
Meaning: Simple, The one who is having no faults and sinless in behaviour.
Meaning: Nature, Warm cloth, Victorious, A devoted person
Meaning: Son of Sahadeva one of the Pandavas), The born son of Sahadevan., Son of Sahadeva one of the Pandavas
Meaning: Fearless, The person who is oblivious of dangers.
Meaning: Waterful, North side human being.
Meaning: Fresh butter, Gentle, Soft, Always new
Meaning: New garden, New home, The new home or the house, New home (1
Meaning: One who brings good things
Meaning: One who holds water cloud, The one who is carrying the boulder.
Meaning: New light, The fresh radiance of a person
Meaning: Ever good looking
Meaning: Expert, Proficient, Benevolent, Talented, Clever, Perfect, One of the colors , Green.
Meaning: New Moon, A night after amavasya, The one who was born under the first moon.
Meaning: Blue eyes boy, The one who has pretty bluish eyes.
Meaning: King of serpents
Meaning: Tune, New rule, The fresh or new empire
Meaning: Inside viewer, Wink, Transient, One who can read others mind
Meaning: Master of justice
Meaning: Jewels
Meaning: Leader of all human beings, King of men, The king, The Lords of Men
Meaning: A Godly Person, The God Vishnu, A variant of name Narayan, A godly person
Meaning: Direction, South west, The direction of south-west
Meaning: Lord Shiva, The God Shiva, Another name for Lord Shiva.
Meaning: Cloud, Given by water, The collection of water droplets.
Meaning: Best wishes, Offering to God, An offering to God
Meaning: One of the best person
Meaning: Flowery.blossam, Pure, Brilliant
Meaning: No end, No end or limitless
Meaning: New
Meaning: Request, A request, a humble request
Meaning: Bagvan ka Prasad
Meaning: House, Mansion, Don of rulers, Uniqueness, creativity, innovation, freshness., don of rulers
Meaning: Home, Lord of all, Residence, Family, tower, homemade, castle, household.
Meaning: Raising The Sun, Raising Sun
Meaning: New
Meaning: Belonging to the Sky
Meaning: Bear
Meaning: Lord Vishnu, Refuge of Man, The adobe of beings
Meaning: A Boy with lot of powers
Meaning: Entire, Perfect, The Moon, Complete, the Lord of dark or night
Meaning: Light, The ever new light, New lamp, The sweet smell of a pack of fundip mixed with a new flame, The never ending freshness of a lamp
Meaning: The great, The great person
Meaning: Lord Shiva, King of the art of dancing, King among actors, Shiva as the cosmic dancer of destruction, Lord of dance, The one who is expert in dancing.
Meaning: One who has serpents as ornaments
Meaning: Goddess Parvati, An epithet of the consort of Nakul (Shiva), Son of Madri and Pandu, known for patience
Meaning: King of flowers, Lord Vishnu, the preserver
Meaning: The nilgiris, Blue mountain, Who will be in God's image
Meaning: Lord Shiva nandishwar, The Lord of Nandi, Lord Shiva
Meaning: A big serpent, The huge snake, a serpent
Meaning: Praising
Meaning: Indian saint, Devotee of Narayan, The person who reduces the intensity and calms pacifies. Consoler., devotee of Narayan
Meaning: New
Meaning: King of snakes, The master king of all kind of serpents.
Meaning: Master of justice
Meaning: Holy, The one who is spiritually holy.
Meaning: Lord of treasure, Lord Ganesh giver of wealth, The master of precious things.
Meaning: King of serpents vaasuki, The companion of the serpents
Meaning: Fresh butter, One who takes pleasure in new joys, Who will remain fresh
Meaning: Daughter, Goddess Durga, Great achiever, Happiness, Son of Lord Shiva, Young Man, Celebrating, Heartening, Indras paradise, One who is enjoying the happiness, daughter, Goddess durga, Lord Shivas son
Meaning: Pleasing, Celebrating, Delightful, Krishnas sword, The cherish nature
Meaning: Lord of wealth
Meaning: Light, The ever new light, New lamp, The sweet smell of a pack of fundip mixed with a new flame, The new or fresh lamp
Meaning: New, New born baby Boy.
Meaning: Name, New, Praised
Meaning: Daughter, One who bestows happiness, A baby girl or a daughter, daughter
Meaning: Another name of Lord Shiva, One of the good names of Lord Shiva.
Meaning: The Moon, Dawn, Peace, Pleasant early morning, Daybreak, The end of night, The lord of night, dawn
Meaning: A bower, The sweet smelling cologne.
Meaning: Lord Krishna, Adolescent boy, The wondrous Kid, the new one
Meaning: Selfless
Meaning: The son of Nand
Meaning: Dasaratha, Another name of dashratha, Father of Lord Rama), The father of Lord Rama., dasaratha, (Lord ramas father
Meaning: Evening, The Limit or end of light
Meaning: Name of An ancient king, An Indian mythological king
Meaning: Manly, Human
Meaning: Giver of wealth & treasures, Kuber, Another name of Lord Kuber.
Meaning: Mist, Fog, Dew, Droplets of water suspended in the air.
Meaning: The one who guides others to the upright path.
Meaning: Nature, Handsome and fine looking person.
Meaning: Blue, With blue eyes, The one who has bluish eyes.
Meaning: The one who brings hope, One who brings hope to humanity
Meaning: Naya, New, Nootan, The fresh an d precious one
Meaning: Superior, Unparalleled, Unique, Best, Who hails from the northern region
Meaning: Without a superior, Best, Unique
Meaning: Centre of body, An ancient king, The supreme effort that one can make.
Meaning: Bowed down, Modest, To bow in a humble greeting, Worshipper
Meaning: Desire, Wish, Joy, desire
Meaning: Unattached, Person from the northern section
Meaning: Lord Shiva
Meaning: Poet, Saint, A poet or a saint
Meaning: Best wishes, Offering to God
Meaning: A tree, Sincere
Meaning: The name of the boy who went to see Lord Yama and got Brahma Vidya from Yama
Meaning: Bhagwan ka Prasad, The holy curd or sugar
Meaning: Seshnag, Cosmic serpent, Owner of serpent, The emperor of the snakes.
Meaning: Supreme mahamantra of jains, The body of stories associated with a culture.
Meaning: Lord Shiva, Lord of Nandi, God of Bulls
Meaning: The name means quiet person, Very calm and peaceful person.
Meaning: King, The King of all the emperors
Meaning: Makes others dance
Meaning: Pleasing, Shivas bull, Prosperous, Happy
Meaning: Waterfall, The mankind form the north side.
Meaning: Home, Lord of all, Residence
Meaning: Title of Lord Vishnu, A large body of water constituting a principal part of the hydrosphere, Title of Vishnu
Meaning: Quiet, Calm, Without sound, Silent, The person who is very calm and peaceful.
Meaning: Snake, The king of serpents, A serpent chief, The Lord or the deity of snakes
Meaning: Lord Vishnu, Refuge of Man, The resting place of all living species
Meaning: Best studier
Meaning: Protected, The valuable gift from God.
Meaning: One of Lord vishnus name, famous”, “well-known”, “beloved
Meaning: Created, One of the great emperors of Iran.
Meaning: Lord Shiva, God of serpents, One who has control over serpents
Meaning: Snake, The king of serpents, A serpent chief, The biggest cobra, the ruler of the serpents.
Meaning: Gold, Golden ornament for the neck or golden vessel
Meaning: Observer, Unique, Anticipation, Hope, Remarkable, widely known, popular.
Meaning: Good in nature, A moral person, ethical
Meaning: Born of wisdom
Meaning: Night, A night-time, dusk
Meaning: Designation, designation
Meaning: Parvat, The mountain, as strong as mountain
Meaning: Decision, Confirmed, The decision confirmed, decision
Meaning: New Veda knowledge, The one who is excellent in skills and knowledge.
Meaning: Trustworthy
Meaning: Lord Krishna, Protector of Nanda, The protector of the comfort or joy
Meaning: Music of Joy, A cow-herd who takes care of the bulls
Meaning: New town
Meaning: Name of the first Sikh Guru, First Sikh Guru
Meaning: The Moon, Feature, A drawing or a sketch
Meaning: God of river, Ocean, Hope, Lord of water, From the large deep ocean.
Meaning: An incarnation of Lord Vishnu, Lion among men, The Sun, who gives powerful light to whole world.
Meaning: Generous, With a treasure, Determined, Assiduous
Meaning: Object in the Sky cloud, Moon, Elements in the sky, cloud, moon or star.
Meaning: Poet, Saint, A poet or a saint, also Lord Vishnu
Meaning: A jewel, Lord Vishnu, Peacock, Lord Shiva, The multicolor bird peacock, which is the most beautiful among the birds., Shiva
Meaning: Never ending, Boy, Eternal, everlasting, endless.
Meaning: King of Men, A variant form of Narendra, Leader of all human beings, King of men, The king
Meaning: Lord Krishna, Leader, The leader or the soldier
Meaning: Leading, A leading person, a leader
Meaning: Mark, A sign or a mark
Meaning: Lord Shiva, Blue-necked, The great God Shiva.
Meaning: Orderly
Meaning: The Moon, Dawn, Peace, Pleasant early morning, Daybreak, The end of night, One who ends the dark night, dawn
Meaning: The lotus flower, Sapphire lotus color.
Meaning: House, Mansion, Don of rulers, Dwelling, residence, domicile, house, home., don of rulers
Meaning: Holy, Bound, Limited, A holy soul, saint
Meaning: Liberated, One who has attained Nirvana
Meaning: Without anger, Cairn
Meaning: Constant, One who is constant
Meaning: Lord Shiva, Lord of natas dancers, The ruler or Shiva the Lord.
Meaning: Pandita skilful scholar
Meaning: Inside viewer, Wink, Transient
Meaning: Free, Without any owner, A warden or custodian.
Meaning: Inside viewer, Spilt second, Transient, Another name for Vishnu, The sparkling ocean.
Meaning: Certain or for sure, Fixed, Truthful, Genuine, Firm, Guardian of the nation.
Meaning: Courage, bravery or courage
Meaning: Tune, New rule, The new King or the fresh Monarch
Meaning: Heavenly body, A star, Pearl, The deity form or figure of the stars.
Meaning: Basic, Foundation, Groundwork, elementary, basis, rudimentary.
Meaning: Lord Shiva, King of the art of dancing, King among actors, The dancing hero.
Meaning: Happy
Meaning: Certain or for sure, Fixed, Truthful, Genuine, Firm, Ruler of sovereign., Firm (1
Meaning: Celestial, Appearing in the Sky, Name of certain constellations, Sky, Ocean, Heavenly
Meaning: Lord Shiva, Happy, Joyful
Meaning: The king of dance or Lord Shiva.
Meaning: Bringing delight, Pleasurable, who gives comfort
Meaning: Saviour of serpents, The person who is the protector of the serpents.
Meaning: Decision, Confirmed, Other name of Lord Vishnu., decision
Meaning: Exhale
Meaning: Moon (Lord of night, One who lives in Night
Meaning: Lord Krishna, Dancing Lord, One of the main Gods, God Krishna.
Meaning: Lord Krishna fathers name, A joyous cow-herd, referred to Lord Krishna
Meaning: God Shankar, Lord Shiva
Meaning: Lord of eyes, The God with the beautiful eyes
Meaning: Direction, Command, Route or appreciation or suggestion., direction
Meaning: Calm, Unmovable, Unshakable, Steady, The Lord of all the mankind
Meaning: Another name of Lord mailar lingappa, Recognize with gratitude.
Meaning: King of kings, The great ruler who rules the other kings of the nations.
Meaning: Respect, Pray, Pleading or praying to God in a acceptable way.
Meaning: Unbounded, A wonder, full of wonders
Meaning: Lord Vishnu, Courteous, The lord of names
Meaning: Nithyashobha, A Boy who follows the right path
Meaning: An ancient Rishi, Fire, The event of burning fire.
Meaning: Nilgiris hills, Resembles as blue color peak.
Meaning: Pleasing, Son, Celebrating, Heartening, Temple, Another name for Shiva and Vishnu, A well being of enjoyment
Meaning: Blue Sky, God of Sky, One who resembles the blue heaven
Meaning: Free of anger, The soldier at the northern entrance.
Meaning: Man lion, One who wins over the mankind, Lord Vishnu
Meaning: Lord of law or one who is well versed in law, Name of Lord Shiva, The lord of Morals
Meaning: The third eye of Lord Shiva
Meaning: Nine jewels, The nine precious gem-stones
Meaning: 9 garlands, Who is the owner of nine crowns.
Meaning: New, Rainy, Handsome, Gratified, Happy, Successful, Satisfied, Sapling
Meaning: Seshnag, King of the serpents, The principal of the snakes or the master of the mountains.
Meaning: The fresh or new pearl
Meaning: Lord Shiva, An eternally fresh Lord
Meaning: Nine treasures, One who is blessed with nine treasures, The one who has nine kind of treasures.
Meaning: Master of the law, Master of the right path, Principle, Judge, The right path or the moral values, Master of the right way
Meaning: Vedic hymns
Meaning: Lord Jagannath, Resembles Lord Jegannath
Meaning: The nilgiris, Blue mountain, Blue peak, Its a mountain range particularly blue colored appearance
Meaning: Midnight, Night, Sharp, Invigorated, Prepared, Iron, Steel, peaceful time
Meaning: Blue Sky, Resembles blue in color.
Meaning: Smart boy, An honest king
Meaning: Benevolent, Name of a king, Humour, Play, Bold and daring one.
Meaning: Master of the law, Master of the right path, Principle, Judge, An ethical person, Master of the right way
Meaning: Home, The home, where people live
Meaning: Lord Krishna, Beloved of Nanda, Lord Krishna who was a child of Joy
Meaning: By the ash tree, An adventurer, The one who is quiet and calm., An adventurer (1
Meaning: Fresh air, Cool, Fresh or cool air of night
Meaning: Lotus eyed
Meaning: Treasure, Wealth, Receptacle, Money, paragon, money, ideal.
Meaning: Saviour of serpents, The person who is the redeemer of the serpents., Savior of serpents
Meaning: Stream of Love, The sea of affection, the ocean of adoration.
Meaning: Midnight, Night, Sharp, Invigorated, Prepared, Iron, Steel
Meaning: Snow, Investment, A good investment
Meaning: Blue lotus, Look a lot like blue lotus flowers.
Meaning: Cheerful, Seventh note on Indian musical scale, Awesome, The lion in form of male appearance, Seventh note on indian musical scale
Meaning: Mark, The big emperor who commands the other rulers as well.
Meaning: The root, Nand, Refers to delight, Pleasure, Enjoyment
Meaning: Eye, Directing, Community, Decorum, The one who is extremely happy and blissful.
Meaning: Name of Lord Shiva, One of Lord Shiva's names.
Meaning: Lord Krishna, Son of Nanda, Extremely happy baby
Meaning: Certain or for sure, Fixed, Truthful, Genuine, Firm, The destiny or confirmed thing
Meaning: Champion, King of the jews, Awesome with sports, Praise
Meaning: The Moon a night after amavasya, The fresh moon, first moon of lunar month, Same as Navendu
Meaning: Lord Shiva, A kind of croton plant, Pot like, Name of An attendant of Shiva, Name of one of skands attendant, A form of Ganapati, The strength of the Moon.
Meaning: Bowed down, Modest, To bow in a humble greeting, Worshipper, A person who is very humble
Meaning: Lord of a town, The master of the city or town.
Meaning: Orator, A skilled public speaker
Meaning: Excellent, The best, Old-fashioned, customary, outmoded, cultural.
Meaning: Without blemish, Pure, The one who is faultless, innocent, guiltless and righteous.
Meaning: King of kings, The big emperor who commands the other rulers as well.
Meaning: Emperor, The male ruler of an empire.
Meaning: Son, Delightful, A delightful person, delightful
Meaning: Lord Shiva, Red and blue
Meaning: Lord Vishnu, Never-ending, that never ends
Meaning: Quiet, Calm, Without sound, Silent, Free of making sound or making little of any kind of noise.
Meaning: Global thought leader. one who has divine wisdom. one who is hones. strong commercial instinct. self sufficient and ambitious. above all a good human being, Smiling face, The best mankind who possesses ultimate good qualities and attitudes.
Meaning: Sapphire, Peaceful color of blue.
Meaning: Gift by God, Came to this world in the month of November.
Meaning: Lord Shiva, The one who possesses Nandi
Meaning: Lord Brahma, Born from the navel, the creator of the world.
Meaning: Spring, The new or fresh spring
Meaning: God gift, Inherent, Inscribed into something, Within something, The precious talent from God.
Meaning: Celestial, Appearing in the Sky, Name of certain constellations, Sky, Ocean, Heavenly, The person who resembles the blue sky.
Meaning: Tokiss
Meaning: Lord Shiva, One having a blue throat
Meaning: Miracle and a more pronounceable form of nissan, A flight, something that makes you fly
Meaning: Lord Shiva, The blue-necked Lord, Resembles Lord Shiva.
Meaning: Lord Shiva, Lord of happiness, The God of tranquillity
Meaning: Lotus
Meaning: King among actors, New, The newly born baby
Meaning: Comfort
Meaning: Lord Shiva, Best among the snakes, A white snake, Name of An ancient buddhist teacher of the rank bodhisattva, The champion among the snakes.
Meaning: Assertive
Meaning: The Moon, Feature, The characteristic parts of a human face.
Meaning: Happy, Satisfied, A happy person without sorrow
Meaning: Lord Krishna, Always Happy, The constant joy, that never ends
Meaning: Wonder, New, Modern, A new modern person
Meaning: The one with a blue throat, The one who's throat appears as blue color.
Meaning: Midnight, Night, Sharp, Invigorated, Prepared, Iron, Steel, Time of peaceful midnight
Meaning: Master of justice, The masters of justice
Meaning: Jewel of the Sky, The Sun, The rays of the sun.
Meaning: Joyful, Happy, Pleasure (father of Krishna), Pleasure (father of Krishna
Meaning: Prince, The son of the ruler or king or monarch.
Meaning: Blue lotus, Holy blue color lotus flower.
Meaning: Fearless, The person without fear, fright, terror or scare.
Meaning: Calm, Unmovable, Unshakable, Steady, Calm or without motion, not moving
Meaning: Constant, An eternal cow-herd
Meaning: Hero, The twinkling ocean.
Meaning: Lord Krishna blue skin, Another name of Lord Krishna.
Meaning: New light, The newly wed groom
Meaning: Without blemish, Pure, Good companion from the north part.
Meaning: Lord of all, The master of the world.
Meaning: Champion, Blue, Treasure, A mountain, Indigo, Sapphire, Sky blue color, bluish image.
Meaning: God, A bright shining appearance
Meaning: Liberation, Salvation
Meaning: Born in Sky, The person who came to this world from the Sky.
Meaning: God of river, Ocean, Hope, Lord of water, Natural stream of water.
Meaning: Son of vajashravas (Son of vajashravas), The person who is the son of Vajashravas., Son of vajashravas (Son of vajashravas
Meaning: A parsee festival
Meaning: One who appreciates and loves music, The person who admiring and escalating towards music.
Meaning: With no shape (God), The one who is without an image or invisible to human eyes., With no shape (God
Meaning: Lord Shiva, God of serpents, The monarch of the cobras.
Meaning: Fortunate, Overall circumstances or condition in life.
Meaning: Sound of flowing water, Gentle sound of water, Flowing water, a sound or hum
Meaning: Best among men, Lord Vishnu, The best among all the men
Meaning: Cloud, Given by water, The rainy clouds or bank of clouds.
Meaning: Treasure, Wealth, Receptacle, A collection of precious things.
Meaning: Sacred, Pious, Devout, Without a leader
Meaning: Mist, Fog, Dew, Covering with morning dew drops., dew
Meaning: Treasure, Wealth, Receptacle, Cause, With a treasure
Meaning: Best wishes, Offering to God, Something that is offered to God
Meaning: King, The mankind's king
Meaning: Giver of wealth and treasures, Announcer of fortune things
Meaning: Fresh butter, One who takes pleasure in new joys
Meaning: Lord snake, Lord of the snakes
Meaning: Saints name, A saint who can see what inside the others
Meaning: Joyful, A flute, Prosperous, Son, A Joyful person, who is happy
Meaning: New Moon, A night after amavasya, The new moon after amavasya, The Moon a night after amavasya
Meaning: Fearless
Meaning: People with this name tend to be filled with the Joy of life. they are quite imaginative and enthusiastic, Manly or masculine, male
Meaning: The Sun, The big sources of the earth sun and moon., Sun
Meaning: Invaluable, The one who is recognized with gratefulness.
Meaning: Poet, Saint
Meaning: Lord Ganesha, Lord Ganesh
Meaning: The horizon, Appearance, Touchstone, Distance, skyline, possibility, perspective.
Meaning: One of the kauravas
Meaning: Champion, Cloud, Passionate, Crow, Talktive person, Blue, Indigo, Sapphire, Treasure, A mountain, A born champion and one from the cloud
Meaning: Boundless, Unlimited, Limitless, Without any boundary
Meaning: Husband of lotus, Sun, The companion of Lotus
Meaning: Daughter, Goddess Durga, Great achiever, Happiness, Son of Lord Shiva, Young Man, Wealth, An Apsara or celestial nymph
Meaning: Leader of men
Meaning: Husband of night (Moon), Lord of Night, Husband of night Moon
Meaning: Whole, Perfect, Complete, Entire, complete, whole, all-inclusive, intact.
Meaning: Grove of trees, Who can resemble as God
Meaning: An ancient king, An ancient Indian King
Meaning: Leader of all human beings, King of men, The king, The monarch of the men
Meaning: The Moon, Resembling the moon that is shining in the dark sky.
Meaning: Name of a saint
Meaning: Blue lotus, Beautiful blue lotus floret.
Meaning: Pandavas royal Prince, The much dearest person.
Meaning: Destiny, Fixed, Determined, The upright path., destiny
Meaning: Beautiful, The new beautiful colors
Meaning: The egoless, Humble, Free from pride, Loving mate who resides in north part., Humble (1
Meaning: Lover of dance
Meaning: Seshnag, Cosmic serpent, Owner of serpent, The ruler of all kind of serpents.
Meaning: A mythological king, An ancient king of the Aila dynasty
Meaning: Lotus flower, Pure, Free from attachment, The one who was born in water or lake.
Meaning: Friendly, Approachable, welcoming, pleasant, kindly.
Meaning: Gift from God, Rewarded, Given, Giving, Desire, Protector, Lord, Another name for Krishna
Meaning: Wise, Leader
Meaning: Rules
Meaning: Lord of all, The unpleasant or harsh taste.
Meaning: Happy, A very happy and sweet child
Meaning: Nature, Warm cloth, Victorious, To sacrifice in the path of good
Meaning: Getting stronger, Invigorating, Evening
Meaning: Global thought leader. one who has divine wisdom. one who is hones. strong commercial instinct. self sufficient and ambitious. above all a good human being, Smiling face, A good person, best qualities
Meaning: Lotus, Water, Crane, Water Lily
Meaning: Lord Shiva, One who wears cobra, The one who beautifies the hills.
Meaning: King
Meaning: Pleased, Satisfied, The souls ability to see, Absorbed, Delighted, gratified and the personalities, capability to see
Meaning: Lord of treasure, Lord Ganesh giver of wealth, Lord Ganesha, the one who provides treasures.
Meaning: Water. one of the five elements of the world. it is the essence of life
Meaning: Tall and handsome, The one who has a good height and handsome outfit.
Meaning: One who wears snakes as ornaments, Lord Shiva, The Lord Shiva who is wearing cobra around his neck as a necklace.
Meaning: Blue, With blue eyes, Shining in blue color.
Meaning: Destiny, A known quantity, Understood, destiny
Meaning: Brilliant like a Pearl, An un-adultered pearl
Meaning: Narendra means king, God of men naran=humans, Men indiran=god, King, The Emperor of men, Narendra means king/god of men naran=humans, Men indiran=god/king
Meaning: A saint, The Nine saints or the master of saints
Meaning: Created
Meaning: To lead, The one who guides others.
Meaning: Sri Maha Vishnu, Another name for Lord Sri Maha Vishnu.
Meaning: Blossoming, Prospering, developing, maturing, blooming.
Meaning: Perennially Happy, The continuous happiness
Meaning: Selfless
Meaning: Pure, Blameless, Brilliant, An independent, justified and adventerous being
Meaning: Lord Krishna, Moon, The Lord of blue or sapphire or Lord Krishna,