Meaning: It's derived meaning in Spanish means 'Sorrow', Full of sorrows
Meaning: A creative individual who is a Gift of God, God's gift
Meaning: Fruitful, they are blessed, Strong woman
Meaning: One who is from Earth, Earth, Land,
Meaning: A Biblical name, God judges me
Meaning: A beautiful and lovely creaure who is worth all the praise, God's gift
Meaning: Daughter of Oceanus, a beautiful creature, Woman from doris
Meaning: Good natured, God is my judge
Meaning: A person who came out of the sea, Beautiful daughter
Meaning: One who came from the sacred spring, A, derived from dionysius, the Greek god of wine. Also From the sacred spring. The mythological dione was wife to Zeus and mother of Aphrodite
Meaning: Dark and shady, dove bird
Meaning: Sacred wife of Zeus, A, derived from dionysius, the Greek god of wine. Also From the sacred spring. The mythological dione was wife to Zeus and mother of Aphrodite
Meaning: Strong and together, Name of a place, A Biblical place name;God will judge
Meaning: Delightful one, person who gives pleasure, Joy, pleasure
Meaning: One who performs dark challenges, From the Black River
Meaning: One who belongs to the Lord and is a master, Lord's child
Meaning: Virgin Mary, one who is filled with pain, Full of sorrows
Meaning: Slave, a steady and determines person, Shaking
Meaning: A woman, From dalmatia
Meaning: A precous gift sent from heaven, God's gift
Meaning: One who is born fourth, delta letter
Meaning: A beautiful yet moody person, complexion”, “appearance”, “countenance
Meaning: A neat, efficient and pretty being, The attractive one
Meaning: An assembly, A place for assembly
Meaning: Royal gift, A good and wealthy protector
Meaning: A prophetess, they have a unique personality, From a bee swarm
Meaning: One who has a broken heart, Real woman
Meaning: Dark and sacred Goddess, Unclear
Meaning: A special person who belongs to the God, Lord's child
Meaning: Morning Star, Star of the day
Meaning: A devoted person, God of fertility, dedicated to God
Meaning: Known for knowledge, Queen
Meaning: Feminine God rules, FeminineGod will judge
Meaning: Divine, divine. Also, from devonshire
Meaning: Goddess of moon, huntress, Fertile. GoD, Devine. Famous bearer: The late LaDy Diana Spencer, often calleD 'LaDy Di', marrieD British Prince Charles anD became Princess Diana of Wales
Meaning: They are the wonderful God of the wine, The God of Wine
Meaning: Mother of sea nymphs, daughter of Ocean, meaning gift. Famous bearer: In Greek mythology, doris was the daughter of Oceanus and mother of the sea-nymph Nereids
Meaning: One from Bay tree, Laurel tree
Meaning: God is a loving judge, God judges me
Meaning: An island where Goddess are bron, Woman from delos
Meaning: One with curly hair, One with wavy hair
Meaning: A variant of Dorothea, meaning gift of God., God's gift
Meaning: It means someone who is sweet by nature., Sweet daughter
Meaning: A beautiful flower, Eye of the day
Meaning: Open one, Open
Meaning: An educated woman, Gentle. Famous bearer: Biblical damaris was the educated woman who heard Paul speak at the open-air supreme court of Athens
Meaning: Day for an eye, Day's eye. A flower name
Meaning: Tenth month of the calender, pure one, The tenth one
Meaning: One who belongs to a tribe, wolf power, Man of virtue
Meaning: One who has bright mind, God's gift
Meaning: Beautiful daughter of the poet, Poet's child
Meaning: They are the masters who rule many, Ruler of the world
Meaning: Dark, determined, dark
Meaning: Silent one, Gift. Also a. Poet John Keats DescribeD the moment of Discovery when explorers stooD 'silent upon a peak in Darien
Meaning: One who is filled with lot of tears, Filled with tears
Meaning: One who is excellent in philosophy, From the valley.meaning divine
Meaning: Girl who resides in a valley, Fertile. God, devine. Famous bearer: diana was the Roman goddess of fertility and childbirth, of hunting, and the moon
Meaning: An individual who died of broken heart, Melancholy. Aolder name deirdre. In Celtic legend deirdre died of a broken heart
Meaning: A beautiful flower of the skies, divine huntress, Modern blend of diana (divine huntress) and Anthea
Meaning: They are loud, mighty and famous warrior, Warrior of glory
Meaning: Tenth in number, a talented individual, The tenth one
Meaning: Vision, It means Gift of God, King Henry IV, Part 2' Doll Tearsheet, a woman at the Boar's HeaD in Eastcheap
Meaning: One who belongs to God, Born on Sunday. Of the Lord
Meaning: Lady, one who is very respectable, Lady. Respectful title and female equivalent of the title don
Meaning: Little dark One, Coming from darkness
Meaning: In italian it means lady., Small mistress of the home
Meaning: A civilized and humble being, sweet, Sweet; sweetness
Meaning: Virgin queen of a land, Unclear
Meaning: They are the one who spread light, coming from lamp, Of dionysus
Meaning: One who is depicted as a huntress, divine, divine woman
Meaning: They are one of a kind, Graceful and noble
Meaning: A virgin woman; they exist in the soul, A virgin woman, they exist in the soul, Woman with soul
Meaning: One who is the gift of God, filled with energy, Greek dorothy meaning Gift of God
Meaning: They are the gift of God, they are talented, Greek dorothy meaning Gift of God
Meaning: A determined individual who shows compassion towards all, Blonde
Meaning: A wonderful person who is a gift from God, Greek dorothy meaning Gift of God
Meaning: Goddess of swiftness and beauty, divine. Mythological ancient Roman divinity diana was noted for beauty and swiftness; often depicted as a huntress. Also diana Princess of Wales
Meaning: One who is lovely, creative, Sweet; sweetness
Meaning: One who has a sweet and lovely nature, Sweet. Sweetness. Dulcinea was the name createD by Cervantes's Don Quixote for his iDealizeD laDy
Meaning: Rare flower, Narcissus flower
Meaning: One who has a lot of happiness, Coming from Isigny
Meaning: The dark one, dark
Meaning: Dark haired, From Arcy
Meaning: A church leader who resides in a valley, meaning divine
Meaning: One who can survive, Woman of justice
Meaning: Bulgarian form of Deborah, meaning bee., Bee
Meaning: A vindicated being, Jacob's daughter, The avenged one
Meaning: They are filled with joys, Like a dream
Meaning: A stubborn , dark person, dark
Meaning: Long hoped for, desired, meaning 'The one DesireD
Meaning: Soul, A Spirit, A Soul, Full of Vices
Meaning: God's gift., God's gift
Meaning: Vision ,Gift of god, Like as a Beautiful Doll
Meaning: Adopted from Hebrew, beloved person, Adored
Meaning: A pleasing and excellent sunset, dusk
Meaning: Sight of the Sun, one who belongs to Earth, Seeing the sun
Meaning: A speacial new day, New day started
Meaning: A cherished and lovely individual, Beloved. Feminine of david
Meaning: One who came out of womb, a blessed one, Woman from delphi
Meaning: Form of Denis, one who works for others, dedicated to God
Meaning: A devoted and religious being, Antony anD Cleopatra'. FrienD to Mark Antony. 'A MiDsummer Night's Dream' In love with Hermia. 'The TrageDy of Titus AnDronicus' Son to Tamora
Meaning: From the Old testament, A Bee, Bee
Meaning: Bee, a song writer, From a bee swarm
Meaning: Name of an Assyrian village in Iraq, giver of gifts”, “giver of charity”, “generous”, “benevolent
Meaning: One who defends the mankind and is a variant name, Woman from Adria
Meaning: A mother, Maid of the day
Meaning: The one who is alive, Alive
Meaning: Theyare the God's gift, has special goals, God's gift
Meaning: Delightful one, person who gives pleasure, Joy, delight
Meaning: God who sends a gift on Earth, God's gift
Meaning: The one from South, A woman from dacia
Meaning: A Prophet, From denmark
Meaning: A gift sent by God, trustworthy, God's gift
Meaning: It means as white as milk, Asong Bird
Meaning: One who cannot be tamed, Young dear
Meaning: Adopted from Hebrew, a divine person, Adored
Meaning: A determined, dedicated and truthful being, Feminine of denis or denys from the Greek name dionysus
Meaning: Avenged, a divine and godly being, Combination of deana (divine) and dina (from the valley; avenged
Meaning: Vision , It also means Gift of god, Greek dorothy meaning Gift of God
Meaning: A wonderful human being who is a gift, Originally a, Dorothy, or any name enDing in -Dora. It has become common as a name on its own. Famous bearer: William WorDsworth's Daughter was known in later life as Dora
Meaning: Place where oracle of Apollo appeared, dolphin. From the Greek place name delphi, the site of the oracle of Apollo. Also from the plant name delphinium
Meaning: Daybreak time, Sunrise, daybreak
Meaning: Queen Bee, a prophetess, Bee. deborah was the Biblical prophetess who summoned Barak to battle against an army of invaders. After the battle she wrote a victory song which is part of the Book of Judges
Meaning: One who can predict future, womb, dolphin.thirteenth-century French saint delphine
Meaning: It means a respectful title given to a lady., Lady-like
Meaning: One who is born on the day of the Lord, Lord's child
Meaning: One who is very close to Lord, From Dominkus, meaning 'of the LorD'. Famous bearer: St Dominic founDeD the Dominican orDer of preaching friars
Meaning: One with strong desires and aspirations, From a bee swarm
Meaning: Wonderful gift from God, Present
Meaning: Head, Wealthy guard
Meaning: One who subdues, Untamed
Meaning: A good worker, hidden, Hidden
Meaning: A huntress who is also a Goddess, The French form of the Latin Diana. Famous bearer: Diane De Poitiers, mistress of France's King Henri II.Divine. Mythological ancient Roman Divinity Diana was noteD for beauty anD swiftness; often DepicteD as a huntress. Greek goDDess of the moon
Meaning: Stady worker, blonde person, Ann
Meaning: They are very best friends, good companion, GoD's gift
Meaning: One who belongs to the Lord, Holy Book of Buddhists, Mosquito
Meaning: An untamed person, colorless and sharp stone, Infrangible, unbreakable
Meaning: Arrival of joy, Pleasure is coming
Meaning: A little noble lady, Little noble
Meaning: Fertile land, Fertility
Meaning: Self expressing person, dedicated one, Brave, manly
Meaning: It means someone who is unique and special, Of the Lord
Meaning: A genuine and perfect individual, Authentic, real
Meaning: One who is being given a hand, helping nature, donated
Meaning: Name of a flower, daisy
Meaning: They are the beautiful mother of Sea nymphs, Afeminine name beginning with dor
Meaning: One who has charming personality, Darling. From the OlD English 'Dearling
Meaning: God is all powerful, close, near
Meaning: A beautiful person who is the daughter of Oceanus, meaning gift. Famous bearer: In Greek mythology, doris was the daughter of Oceanus and mother of the sea-nymph Nereids
Meaning: Goddess of hunting and childbirth, Blend of deanne (divine) plus variants of Andrea (masculine) and Sandra (protector of man
Meaning: Darling baby, Darling. From the OlD English 'Dearling
Meaning: A courageous human being, daring
Meaning: A bright and noble personality, Graceful and noble
Meaning: One who has delicate heart, Melancholy. Aolder name deirdre. In Celtic legend deirdre died of a broken heart
Meaning: Mother of Perseus, Running dry
Meaning: God is a judge, GoD is my juDge
Meaning: Earthly grain, Corn, a fish
Meaning: They are talented and loving human beings, Gift of God. A vision. Famous bearer: St dorothea was martyred at the beginning of the 4th century
Meaning: One who is a Mother of Aphrodite, Mother of Aphrodite
Meaning: A person with good reputation, devoted to God
Meaning: Mighty , Strong, Feminine of the Roman family name drusus. Strong
Meaning: God's gift, Gift
Meaning: Gifted poet, Gift. Also a. Poet John Keats DescribeD the moment of Discovery when explorers stooD 'silent upon a peak in Darien
Meaning: One who writes victory songs, Goddess
Meaning: During daybreak, The first appearance of daylight; daybreak
Meaning: Super gentle being; Calf, Super gentle being, Calf, Little calf's friend
Meaning: Pain and suffering, Full of sorrow
Meaning: One who is golden in color, Follower of Zeus
Meaning: A Goddess of fertility and corn, Earth-lover
Meaning: Strong fort; the popular one, Strong fort, the popular one, From a fortress
Meaning: Holy Goddess of harvest, Mother of land
Meaning: Divine person, one who is loved by all, meaning divine
Meaning: Elfin Girl who has Dark haired, Ruler of the world
Meaning: World Ruler, a great leader, Ruler of the world
Meaning: An angel of death, Angel of death
Meaning: Gentle and kind, Unclear
Meaning: Form of Donn, one who is from underworld, Ruler of the world
Meaning: God is powerful, God judges me
Meaning: Very dear one, dear, darling
Meaning: One who has enormous mental and physical strength, delicate woman
Meaning: The one who tames, The taming one
Meaning: A unique present from the almighty God, God's gift
Meaning: One who is a Bee, untiring, Bee. deborah was the Biblical prophetess who summoned Barak to battle against an army of invaders. After the battle she wrote a victory song which is part of the Book of Judges
Meaning: Name of a Saint, one from Delphi, dolphin.thirteenth-century French saint delphine
Meaning: a female deer, a Gazelle, Similar to gazelle
Meaning: One who is born to give joy to others, Gives pleasure
Meaning: Sorrow, one who is near seashore, From the seashore.meaning 'sorrows
Meaning: One who is dipped in sorrow, meaning 'sorrows
Meaning: The French word for ten, southern state, The tenth child
Meaning: A child loved by all, dear, darling
Meaning: A mesenger sent from heaven, a pleasing personality, The pleasing one
Meaning: Variant of name Daisy, Day's eye. A flower name
Meaning: One who is gift of God, Liberty
Meaning: God has ruled a decision, God has judged, or God is judge. The Old Testament daniel was a 6th century BC prophet who miraculously survived the den of lions
Meaning: Dark one, dark
Meaning: A divine lady, one who has magical powers, childbirth, All's Well That EnDs Well.' Daughter to the WiDow of Florence
Meaning: A vindicated and humble human being, Obedience, Worship, obey
Meaning: One who has God, Owner of goodness
Meaning: God has ruled on us, From denmark
Meaning: A dark colored individual, in need of freedom, From the village of Arcy
Meaning: A raging person with a broken heart, Sorrowful
Meaning: Younger form of Disa, a spirited individual, Twice or double
Meaning: Given by God, Give
Meaning: A person who rules everybody., dark - skinned
Meaning: A little eligible peson, little poet, Young dear
Meaning: Dwells in the valley, dahlia flower
Meaning: A languishing and desirable being, desired. Languishing. The Biblical delilah tempted Samson into revealing the secret of his superhuman strength
Meaning: One who follows Demeter, a Goddess, Mother of land
Meaning: Variant of Dana, from Denmark, From denmark