Coming up with a memorable and creative name is a difficult task. It frequently results in irritation or, even worse, a drab name.
The importance of creative naming in the company cannot be overstated. However, I’m afraid there isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution for coming up with a unique name. Before we “pulled a rabbit out of the hat,” we tried a variety of strategies and generated a few thousand concepts.
Fortunately, there are a variety of innovative approaches you may use to come up with a terrific name. I’ve included 15 pointers in this article to help you get started.
1. Go for quantity rather than quality.
It’s simple to think of a few names. However, the initial ones are frequently tedious. To go beyond the obvious when it comes to innovative ideas, you’ll need to come up with as many as you can. Set goals for yourself. Of course, using a name quota will result in a large number of bad names.
2. Maintain a straightforward approach
It’s attractive for some people to make a name out of old definitions and Latin phrases or words. It’s best if you don’t unless your intended audience is doctors or extinct-language teachers.
Abigail - (Hebrew origin) means ‘father’s delight’ and is a lovely name for caring fathers looking for a unique name for their little girl. Abby, Abbi, Abs, Gail are few of her nicknames.
Alexandra - Alexandra means ‘defender of men’ in Greek. Alex, Ali, Alexa, Lexi, and Sandy are some of her nicknames.
Allison - Allison is a German name that means ‘noble.’ Ali and Ally are her nicknames.
Angelina / Angela - means messenger or ‘angel’ in Greek or Italian. Ange, Angie, Angel, Lina are some of her nicknames.
Annabel / Annabelle - meaning ‘lovely’ in Scottish. Annie, Anna, Bella, and Belle are some of her nicknames.
3. Collaborate
Mapping out associations is the most fundamental technique to begin the naming process. What is your topic’s resemblance to? What comes to mind when you hear it? What do they have in common? What distinguishes it from others in terms of traits and characteristics? What are some examples of related topics? It will be much easier to identify links between seemingly unrelated words or concepts and to combine them.
4. What are you trying to say?
What is the demographic of your target market? When they hear the name, what should they think? What emotion should it evoke in them? Is it obvious to them what it means? Is your name a good fit for your company’s image? Is a national or international name required? By considering the message you wish to convey, you will discover that
Caroline is a Latin name that means ‘free woman/man.’ Caro, Carrie, Carly, and Caz are some of her nicknames.
Cassandra - Cassandra is a Greek word that means ‘to shine’ or ‘to excel.’ Cassie, Sandra, and Sandy are some of her nicknames.
Chloe - denotes ‘fertility’ or ‘blooming’ in Greek. Chlo and Coco are her nicknames.
Christina - Christina is a Greek or Latin word that signifies ‘Christian.’ Chris, Chrissy, Christy, Tina are some of her nicknames.
Claudia - meaning ‘lame’ or ‘crippled’ in Latin. Claude, Claudes, and Claudie are some of his nicknames. What a lovely decision for your little daughter!
Eleanor - meaning ‘God is my light’ or ‘light’ in Arabic or Greek. El, Ellie, Eli, Nell, Nellie, and Nora are some of her nicknames.
5. Experiment with different options and variations
New ideas are frequently generated as a result of previous ideas. As a result, you should always strive to generate as many ideas as possible. The fact that you’ll come up with a lot of bad names doesn’t imply they can’t be beneficial. Suggestions that don’t work can always be used as stepping stones. Searching for alternatives (other names) and experimenting with them is what creativity is all about (similar ideas). Putting it in a little different way can occasionally result in a fantastic name.
6. Make it visually appealing
It’s not uncommon for names to stick since they conjure up a mental image. It’s easier to remember a name that’s expressive and vivid, and it’s more likely to come across as compassionate. Besides,
Emily - Emily is a Latin or English word that signifies ‘rival.’ Em, Emmy, and Emsy are some of her nicknames.
Emma - Emma is a German name that means ‘universal’ or ‘whole.’ Em, Emmy are her nicknames.
Esme - Esme is a French name that means ‘loved.’ Essie, Essie, Essie, Essie, Essie, Essie, Essie, Essie, Es
Eva - (Hebrew origin) Eva means ‘life’ and is a lovely name for your baby girl. Eve, Evie, Eves are few of her nicknames.
Evelyn - Evelyn is an English name that means ‘desired child.’ Eve, Evie, and Lynn are some of her nicknames.
Fiona - Fiona is a Gaelic or Scottish name that means “fair” or “white.” Fi, Fifi, and Nona are some of her nicknames.
Florence - meaning ‘flourishing’ or ‘prosperous’ in Latin. Flo, Florrie, Floss, Flozza are a few of her nicknames.
7. Make use of a metaphor
Using a metaphor is one approach to ensure that you leave a lasting visual impression. Using accessible patterns and correlations by comparing your subject to something else is a powerful approach to leverage them. A smart metaphor will quickly lead to original thoughts. A rich comparison will almost instantly result in a steady flow of thoughts.
8. Put Words Together
If you’re looking for a unique name with a free URL, you’ll quickly run upon names that are excessively long. That is most likely not the best course of action. It’s also a good idea to mix short and medium-length words to see if you can come up with a fun and original combination.
Hannah is a Hebrew name that means ‘grace.’ Han is his nickname.
Helena - Helena is a Greek name that means ‘bright.’ Hel, Hels, Helly, and Lena are some of her nicknames.
Jasmine - (Persian origin) a lovely name for your newborn girl that corresponds to the jasmine blossom. Jas, Jazzy are some of his nicknames.
Jessica – Jessica means ‘gift’ or ‘to behold’ in Hebrew. Jess, Jessie, Jessa, and JJ are some of her nicknames.
Joanna - meaning ‘God is gracious’ in Greek, Hebrew, or Latin. Jo, Jojo, Anna, and JJ are some of her nicknames.
9. Take the Opposite Approach
It’s generally not a good idea to take the names of your competitors as inspiration when coming up with an original name for your firm. However, if you look at your competitors and do something completely different, you may differentiate yourself.
10. When it sounds right, it’s right.
Checking the sound of your name is a simple way to know if it’s a good one. Simply think about how it sounds when you pick up the phone and utter the name out loud. How long will it take? Is it going to be clear right away? Or will the person on the other end of the telephone ask me to say it again? What about making an introduction at a party?
Josephine - Josephine is a French name that means ‘God will grow.’ Jo, Jojo, Jose, and Josie are some of her nicknames.
Katrina - meaning ‘pure’ in German or Greek. Kat, Kati, Katri, and Trina are some of her nicknames.
Melony – Melony is a Greek word that means ‘dark’ or ‘black.’ Mel, Mella, Mellie, and Lanie are some of her nicknames.
Miranda (Latin for ‘admirable’) is the 29th name on the list. Mandy, Mira, Randie, and Andy are some of her nicknames.
Molly – Molly means ‘bitter’ in Hebrew or Irish. Mol and Mols are two nicknames for Mol.
Monica - This name is of North African or Latin origin and means ‘guide.’ Mon is a nickname for Mon.